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Nitesh Gurnani is the founder of ChehraSpeaks and has been featured across international media as an entrepreneurial face reader and physiognomist. He has a mission to impact a billion people to lead a balanced life both personally and professionally. His platform empowers people to tap into their inner potential and bring out the best in them.

His personal experience extends over ninr years, and ChehraSpeaks was founded in 2017. He is driven by a passion to enable people, personally and professionally, to improve their lives by giving them the ingredients to harness their inner power through an elaborate understanding of their own personalities.

Nitesh analyses your potential, starting from your personality, to predict the level of your leadership abilities by paying attention to the detail of your face and reading between the lines. His purpose and goal is to make every life worth living and unlock the superpowers each of us possesses which we don’t often use to harness our true potential. His work helps individuals improve on six key factors: - Achieve a balanced emotional state- Stability and growth in career - Enhance relationships with co-workers - Improve relationships with your partner and/or family -Performance and productivity of a team in an organisation - Professional compatibility for sustainable partnerships

Free, Online Courses Created by Nitesh Gurnani

  • Certificate Insights for a Happy Life and Transformational Super Powers

    Insights for a Happy Life and Transformational Super Powers

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn how to use the power of your mind to achieve success and happiness with this free online self help course.
  • Certificate Setting Goals and Avoiding Procrastination for Productivity

    Setting Goals and Avoiding Procrastination for Productivity

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online self help course teaches you techniques to achieve goals, stop procrastination and boost productivity.
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