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Khan Academy a non-profit educational organisation founded in 2006 by Sal Khan with the goal of using online solutions to provide free, quality education for students around the world. Khan Academy resources have been translated into over 30 languages and have helped millions of learners across the globe access learning tools that have allowed them to reach their full potential.

Khan Academy produces lessons in the form of videos while also providing additional exercises for learners and material to aid teachers. These lessons cover a broad range of subjects, including Mathematics, Science, History and Economics.

Their courses on Alison focus on science, technology and finance and have been created to aid professional development in those sectors.

Free, Online Courses Created by Khan Academy

  • Certificate Biology - Evolution, Natural Selection and DNA

    Biology - Evolution, Natural Selection and DNA

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn about evolution, natural selection, DNA, chromosomes and chromatids in this free online biology course.
  • Certificate Biology - Heredity

    Biology - Heredity

    1.5-3 hrs
    Explore the science of hereditary traits and learn how viruses can affect our DNA with this free online biology course.
  • Certificate Healthcare Policy in America

    Healthcare Policy in America

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn about BlueCross and BlueShield, healthcare plans, and how drugs are paid for, with this healthcare policy course.
  • Certificate Understanding Monopolies in Economics

    Understanding Monopolies in Economics

    1.5-3 hrs
    Find out about the various economic and financial implications of monopolies existing within any business sector.
  • Certificate Beginner Valuation and Investing

    Beginner Valuation and Investing

    1.5-3 hrs
    Gain a better understanding of valuation and investment as well as income statements, balance sheets, and stocks.
  • Certificate Financial Funds

    Financial Funds

    1.5-3 hrs
    This course covers types of financial funds - such as open-ended, closed-end, mutual and hedge - clearly and concisely.
  • Certificate Understanding Present Value

    Understanding Present Value

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online course will give you an overview of present value and its importance in financial accounting.
  • Certificate Inflation in Modern Economies

    Inflation in Modern Economies

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn about inflation in this free online economics course that explains its role in shaping modern economies.
  • Certificate Trading in a Futures Market

    Trading in a Futures Market

    1.5-3 hrs
    Gain a better understanding of the world of futures trading, as well as its importance in the world of finance.
  • Certificate Introduction to Elements, Atoms and the Periodic Table

    Introduction to Elements, Atoms and the Periodic Table

    3-4 hrs
    Learn more about atoms, elements, and the periodic table as well as ionisation and chemical bonds with this course.
  • Certificate Modern Economics

    Modern Economics

    3-4 hrs
    This course covers inflation, deflation, jobless rates, the CPI and more for a solid grounding in modern economics.
  • Certificate Physics - Motion, Speed and Time

    Physics - Motion, Speed and Time

    1.5-3 hrs
    Study the physics of motion, speed, and time and examine Newton's Three Laws of Motion, with this free physics course.
  • Certificate World History - World War 1 and Its Aftermath

    World History - World War 1 and Its Aftermath

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn why Britain, France, and Russia fought against Germany and Austro-Hungary in World War 1, with this free course.
  • Certificate World History - The Rise of Fascism

    World History - The Rise of Fascism

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn about the rise of fascism in the middle of the 20th century and the division of Europe as part of the Cold War.
  • Certificate Introduction to Life Insurance and Retirement Savings

    Introduction to Life Insurance and Retirement Savings

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn more about the benefits of life insurance and retirement savings with this personal financial planning course.
  • Certificate Introduction to Cash Accounting

    Introduction to Cash Accounting

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn the practices and procedures of cash flow accounting and accrual basis accounting, with this free online course.
  • Certificate Introduction to Stocks and Short Selling

    Introduction to Stocks and Short Selling

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn more about stocks and shares, how they are valued, and how short selling of stocks works, with this free course.
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