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İlbey UÇAR is the founder of PsyNOMAD. He completed his undergraduate and Master's education in the field of psychology and continues his doctoral education in sports psychology for the disabled. İlbey has served many domestic and foreign clients in Turkey. Regardless of any differences in social class among them, he used the scientific arguments of psychology to the fullest and offered services to clients in various fields. As he became more aware of the value of sharing and accessing knowledge during the pandemic, İlbey began to design and produce courses that students in his field could reach, regardless of economic level.

İlbey has provided services to socio-economically disadvantaged individuals as a psychologist in state-owned municipalities and semi-private public institutions. He has also worked in various non-governmental organisations, either voluntarily or administratively, on studies aimed at the development of social segments that seem to be disadvantaged in society. With the assistance of Public Health Specialist MamtaVerma Painter Artist Selin Gülen, and Industrial Design Specialist Yasin Agartana, nursing, health, art and design courses were developed to broaden the horizon of students in a greater number of subject matters.

While he clearly shows his experience in the field, knowledge of Internet-based psychology and his identity as a researcher in his courses, he also opens the doors of his capacity and curiosity to the whole world.To learn more about Ilbey and what they have to offer, take a look at their LinkedIn profile here.

Free, Online Courses Created by İlbey UÇAR

  • Certificate Nursing Practice Communication Skills

    Nursing Practice Communication Skills

    1.5-3 hrs
    A free online course on mastering the strategies and techniques for effective communication in nursing.
  • Certificate Digital Technology in Nursing

    Digital Technology in Nursing

    1.5-3 hrs
    Explore the applications and challenges of smart technology in nursing practice in this free online course.
  • Certificate Nursing the Subcutaneous Injection Technique

    Nursing the Subcutaneous Injection Technique

    4-5 hrs
    This free online medical course explains the importance of mastering the practice of subcutaneous injections in patients
  • Certificate Nursing in Global Health

    Nursing in Global Health

    4-5 hrs
    This free online medical course explains the importance of mastering concepts of nursing in global health.
  • Certificate Introduction to UI/UX Design

    Introduction to UI/UX Design

    3-4 hrs
    Discover critical concepts of UI and UX design including their collaborative dynamics in this free online course.
  • Certificate Hand Hygiene Steps, Practices and Strategies

    Hand Hygiene Steps, Practices and Strategies

    3-4 hrs
    This free online hygiene course explains the importance of hand hygiene practices in public healthcare and daily life.
  • Certificate Nursing Care Sepsis Prevention

    Nursing Care Sepsis Prevention

    3-4 hrs
    Discover the critical causes, symptoms, and potential complications of sepsis disease in this free online course.
  • Certificate Mental Health in Nursing

    Mental Health in Nursing

    4-5 hrs
    This free online nursing course equips nurses with the knowledge and skills to work in mental and psychiatric health.
  • Certificate Palliative Care Nursing

    Palliative Care Nursing

    1.5-3 hrs
    A comprehensive free online course covering principles, practice, and approaches in palliative care nursing.
  • Certificate Early Childhood Dual Learning

    Early Childhood Dual Learning

    3-4 hrs
    Discover critical dual language acquisition models, techniques and important theories in this free online course.
  • Certificate Homeschooling in Early Childhood

    Homeschooling in Early Childhood

    3-4 hrs
    This free online teaching course explains the importance of mastering homeschooling for children in early childhood.
  • Certificate Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Autism

    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Autism

    3-4 hrs
    Discover the role of AAC in promoting communication, interaction, and participation in this free online course.
  • Certificate Ethical Considerations with Medication Use in Autism

    Ethical Considerations with Medication Use in Autism

    1.5-3 hrs
    Examine strategies for a holistic approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder management in this free online course.
  • Certificate STEM Education In Early Childhood Settings

    STEM Education In Early Childhood Settings

    3-4 hrs
    Discover the benefits, importance and potential career growth of STEM education for children in this free online course.
  • Certificate The History of Contemporary Art

    The History of Contemporary Art

    1.5-3 hrs
    A free online course to teach you the evolution of contemporary art along with its connections and expressions.
  • Certificate Ethical Dilemmas in Early Child Development

    Ethical Dilemmas in Early Child Development

    1.5-3 hrs
    A free online course that highlights the ethical issues affecting a child’s early development process.
  • Certificate Assisting Older Adults with Autism

    Assisting Older Adults with Autism

    3-4 hrs
    Discover various causes, symptoms and the development phases of autism in elderly in this free online course.
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