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Ethan Winer is a reformed rock 'n' roll guitarist who sold his successful software business in 1992 at the tender age of 43 to take up the cello. Ethan has, at various times, earned a living as a studio musician, computer programmer, circuit designer, recording engineer, composer, technical writer, acoustician, and college instructor. He's had more than 250 feature articles published in computer and audio magazines including Mix, PC Magazine, Electronic Musician, EQ Magazine, Audio Media, Sound on Sound, Computer Language, Microsoft Systems Journal, IBM Exchange, Strings, audioXpress, Programmers Journal, Keyboard, Skeptic, The Strad, Tape Op, Pro Sound News, Recording, and Wide Screen Review. Ethan also produced two popular Master Class videos featuring renowned cellist Bernard Greenhouse and five CDs for Music Minus One including a recording of his cello concerto. Besides writing and recording many pop tunes Ethan has composed three pieces for full orchestra, all of which have been performed. He lives in New Milford, Connecticut with his three cats, and has played in both the Danbury Symphony and the Danbury Community Orchestra, often as principal cellist.

Ethan Winer is an expert in several related fields: audio recording and mixing, acoustics and psychoacoustics, electronic circuit design, music composition, performance, and theory, technical writing and editing, computer programming, and website development.

Ethan is semi-retired but he still works for his former company RealTraps doing sales and tech support. He also does consultations for audio, music, and computers and writes technical articles.To learn more about Ethan and what they have to offer, take a look at their LinkedIn profile here.

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