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April Williamson is a global education leader and project director for global programs at Digital Promise. She has collaborated with a diverse range of partners in cross-cultural and global settings, including in Benin, Guinea, Haiti, Paraguay, the Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, the United States, and Zimbabwe. Prior to Digital Promise, she served as a math teacher and instructional coach in public high schools in Washington, D.C.; an expert mentor with the Modern Classrooms Project; a researcher and project manager with Results for Development (R4D); an environmental health educator with the Peace Corps in Senegal; and an AmeriCorps volunteer serving U.S. public middle schools. She holds a bachelor’s degree in art, French, and African studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a master’s degree from Yale University’s Jackson School of Global Affairs.

In her work at Digital Promise, April is supporting educators globally to use digital content and tools to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. Through the U.S. State Department’s Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) program, April has been collaborating with Aissata Bah (co-founder of Jeune Espoir, a local education NGO in Guinea) to create opportunities for educators in Guinea and other low-resource contexts to use technology to design and implement powerful learning experiences for students.

Digital Promise’s Global Education practice brings together diverse partners from around the world – from governments and system leaders to educators and learners – to shape the future of teaching and learning. We offer an array of opportunities for global education leaders and organizations to partner with us to develop relevant, transformative education solutions across research, practice, and technology. Partnering with Digital Promise could mean transforming professional growth and recognition in schools and classrooms across the globe, helping school systems design learning experiences that meet the needs of each learner, or supporting educators to use and sustain technology in meaningful ways that benefit learners. Learn more about the opportunities