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Danilo Oliveira Vaz is an independent researcher and amateur artist with a natural aptness to perceive connections across events, concepts and people. This characteristic has led him to become a practitioner of the sciences and arts of complexity, with an experimental approach that he calls 'lived complexity'.

After co-creating many lifelong learning initiatives, such as Emergir, his deepest yearnings have been increasingly orienting his steps. Such a spiritual path brings about many lessons that he tries to incorporate in all aspects of his being, professional included. Therefore, as a course instructor, he shares the tool and mindsets that can hopefully provide learners with what he currently enjoys: 'the feeling of being literate for life in an increasingly interconnected and changing world' and the possibility of making a living out of mapping/simulating/distilling the complexities of ecosystems, communities, organizations, individuals, events and so on.

One of his wishes is to gather his learners in order to channel the work demands he cannot accommodate by himself in a 'kummunity' of complexity explorers. If you have completed one of his courses and would like to participate, get in touch.

Free, Online Courses Created by Danilo Oliveira Vaz

  • Certificate Stakeholder Mapping with Kumu

    Stakeholder Mapping with Kumu

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn how to use Kumu to map relationships and create stakeholder maps with this free online data visualisation course.
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