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BCcampus OpenEd
Multifarious courses by lecturers
Teaching & Academics
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
BCcampus is a publicly funded Canadian educational organisation committed to democratising access to education. By leveraging educational technology and open educational resources, BCcampus have become leaders in their field and have cultivated a successful and sustainable approach to free education. Based in British Columbia, BCcampus is one of the country's most active free education bodies, with over 200,000 students.

Central to BCcampus's project is their Open Textbook Collection, which allows educators and students to access quality learning resources for free online. The Open Textbook Collection drastically reduces the financial barriers to post-secondary level education and has already saved students millions of dollars.
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Introduction to Community Psychology
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Free Online Courses by BCcampus OpenEd
Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector
4-5 hrs 11,221 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the importance of Human Resource Management (HRM) and the functions involved
  • Discuss staff recruitment issues commonly faced by HR managers today
  • Outline the importance of the job description to the advertisement and interview processes
  • Describe various recruitment options for finding suitable employees
  • Explain how to screen resumés for suitable candidates and manage applications effectively
  • Demonstrate effective interview questions, techniques and approaches
  • Discuss protocols for conducting reference checks
  • Summarise the procedures involved in offering employment, including human rights concerns
  • Summarise the procedures for the effective orientation of new employees
  • Discuss the benefits of employee training for organisations and staff
  • Describe the procedures for effective employee performance evaluation
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Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector
4-5 hrs
11221 enrolled
Learning to Learn Online
1.5-3 hrs 34,682 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define your role as an online learner by developing a mindset for independent learning
  • Describe how to prepare for a role as a team member in a virtual classroom
  • Outline how to relate to online instructors in a way that supports your learning and growth
  • Explain how to communicate professionally with them
  • Employ different techniques that improve your time management skills when learning online
  • Demonstrate how to analyze writing assignments
  • Read strategically using the ‘SQ3R’ method
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Computer Literacy
Learning to Learn Online
1.5-3 hrs
34682 enrolled
Food Service Excellence - Meat Cutting and Processing
1.5-3 hrs 16,157 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the composition and characteristics of meat
  • Outline the chemical changes associated with slaughter
  • Discuss the ageing, blooming and tenderness factors of meat
  • Explain the handling and storage of meat and meat products
  • Identify meat inspection levels and agencies
  • Outline grading regulations for meat
  • Identify suitable cuts of meat for various cooking methods
  • Define ‘variety meats’ and ‘offal’
  • Recall the diseases associated with meat
  • State the meat inspection process
  • Illustrate the muscle and bone structure of meat
  • Compare primal and secondary cuts of beef, lamb, pork, veal and game
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Food Service Excellence - Meat Cutting and Processing
1.5-3 hrs
16157 enrolled
Diploma in Community Psychology
10-15 hrs 20,728 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the diverse areas community psychologists work and research in
  • Recognize how an international context differs from at-home Community Psychology
  • Describe the main theories and research methods
  • Recognize cultural humility and the dimensions of diversity in a community
  • Discuss the concepts and theories of oppression and power
  • Discuss the processes of empowerment to make changes in communities
  • Identify what is involved in a community intervention and how to measure its effectiveness
  • Discuss the key aspects of prevention programs and evaluation
  • Discuss community psychologists work with public policy, and community organizing
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Diploma in Community Psychology
10-15 hrs
20728 enrolled
Diploma in Environmental Management
6-10 hrs 46,013 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the definition of sustainability
  • Identify the basic facility before the IPAT equation can be used
  • Define both "climate" and "weather" and explain how they relate
  • Discuss the role and mechanisms of the major controls on Earth's climate
  • Explain the enhanced greenhouse effect
  • Describe the natural cycles of carbon, water, and nitrogen
  • Discuss biodiversity and current trends in biodiversity loss
  • Discuss soil sustainability and soil-forming factors
  • Discuss what sewage treatment does and its importance
  • Discuss how to identify/evaluate uncertainties in risk assessment
  • Identify the ultimate sources of renewable energy
  • Discuss the basic thermodynamic principles of heat
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Diploma in Environmental Management
6-10 hrs
46013 enrolled
Graphic Design
1.5-3 hrs 275,936 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize common examples of graphic design in use
  • Explain the design process as a problem-solving activity
  • Discuss design elements such as space, colour and type
  • Describe the influence of the Industrial Revolution on design practices
  • Summarize the main features of graphic design in the modern and postmodern periods
  • Outline the key content and partners involved in the design process
  • Explain ‘AIDA’ and the use of other graphic design techniques
  • Discuss the use of graphic design elements such as point, line, plane, colour, space and figure/ground
  • Indicate the process involved in designing drafts
  • State the use of compositional techniques such as contrast, emphasis, movement, symmetry and visual hierarchy
  • Describe how constraints, alignment, grids and organizational systems enhance design
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Graphic Design
Graphic Design
1.5-3 hrs
275936 enrolled
Print Production
1.5-3 hrs 10,352 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the procedure for measurement and colour profile generation in the manufacturing process
  • Discuss the primary four imaging and six pre-imaging processes
  • Discuss on-screen and imaging compatibility issues with different types of fonts
  • Trace the issues involved in preparing transparent graphic elements for output
  • Outline Preflight procedures for checking a computer graphic document in preparation for the manufacturing process
  • Compare digital and traditional printing methods, including different types of inkjet printing
  • Discuss how paper size, weight and quality can effec output
  • Trace the development of page description languages and digital front ends
  • Explain how Variable data printing uses data to personalize documents
  • Discuss the advantages to companies and customers of using online print services
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Adobe Photoshop
Print Production
1.5-3 hrs
10352 enrolled
Technical Writing Essentials
1.5-3 hrs 41,239 learners
By BCcampus OpenEd
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define what technical writing is, why it’s important, and what it looks like
  • Recognize the main conventions and characteristics of technical writing
  • Identify how to use rhetoric appeals in a professional context and avoid logical fallacies
  • Recognize how to effectively integrate headings, figures and tables, and lists in written communications
  • Define basic terms related to conducting and disseminating various types of research
  • Outline how to determine the reliability, authority, and relevance of research sources in a professional context
  • Identify the most common types of documents used in technical communications
  • Outline how to create technical descriptions and write instruction manuals
  • Recognize how to create the appropriate format, structure and content for different types of professional documents
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Communication Skills
Technical Writing Essentials
1.5-3 hrs
41239 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 19
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Toyosi A.
Thank you for impacting in me more knowledge on graphic design
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Feras A.
This is my first Graphic Design course ever. It definitely made me like it. It teaches you all the basics of Graphic Design in a fun and interesting way.
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