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Advance Learning - Survival Strategy stands at the forefront of online educational resources, specialising in critical survival skills. Their expertise in research and pedagogy is evident in their comprehensive asynchronous courses, covering nuclear warfare, natural disasters, and identity theft. They provide vital knowledge and practical strategies, preparing individuals to effectively handle these high-stakes scenarios.

The curriculum delves into the complexities of surviving nuclear threats, responding to natural disasters like earthquakes and wildfires, and protecting oneself from identity theft. Advance Learning’s courses blend academic theory with real-life applications, ensuring learners gain both understanding and practical skills. The self-paced format offers flexibility, enabling learners to absorb and apply the knowledge at their convenience.

Advance Learning - Survival Strategy's platform is designed to engage and empower learners. Interactive modules enhance the learning experience, making complex concepts more accessible. This approach aims to not only educate but also instil confidence, equipping learners with the tools to protect themselves and others in diverse survival situations.

Free, Online Courses Created by Advance Learning - Survival Strategy

  • Certificate Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

    Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

    1.5-3 hrs
    What are the preventative measures you can take to substantially reduce the chance of your identity being stolen?
  • Certificate The Basics of Nuclear Survival

    The Basics of Nuclear Survival

    1.5-3 hrs
    Ready for anything: Master essential nuclear survival skills in this free online course.
  • Certificate Declassified: Exploring the Legacy of Nuclear Testing

    Declassified: Exploring the Legacy of Nuclear Testing

    1.5-3 hrs
    Find out what the hundreds of nuclear devices detonated since 1945 tell us in this free online course.
  • Certificate Surviving Nuclear Fallout: Essential Knowledge and Strategies

    Surviving Nuclear Fallout: Essential Knowledge and Strategies

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn about nuclear fallout and how to deal with it in this free online course and its complementary guidebook.
  • Certificate Conceptos Básicos Para la Supervivencia Nuclear

    Conceptos Básicos Para la Supervivencia Nuclear

    3-4 hrs
    Aprenda las medidas esenciales para prepararse y sobrevivir un ataque nuclear con este curso gratuito en línea.
  • Certificate Al Descubierto: Explorando El Legado de Las Pruebas Nucleares

    Al Descubierto: Explorando El Legado de Las Pruebas Nucleares

    3-4 hrs
    Este curso gratuito en línea revela las pruebas de cientos de dispositivos nucleares que se han detonado desde 1945.
  • Certificate Conocimientos y Estrategias Clave Para Sobrevivir a la Lluvia Radiactiva

    Conocimientos y Estrategias Clave Para Sobrevivir a la Lluvia Radiactiva

    3-4 hrs
    Conozca que es la lluvia radiactiva y cómo reaccionar ante este suceso en este curso gratuito con guía complementaria
  • Certificate Emergency Protocol for an Active Shooter

    Emergency Protocol for an Active Shooter

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online health and safety course explains what to do and how to prepare for an active shooter in the workplace.
  • Certificate Earthquake Precautions and Safety Measures

    Earthquake Precautions and Safety Measures

    3-4 hrs
    This free online earthquake awareness course explains what to do during an earthquake and discusses their causes.
  • Diploma Surviving Extreme Heat: Strategies for Living in Hot Environments

    Surviving Extreme Heat: Strategies for Living in Hot Environments

    15-20 hrs
    This free online health and safety course explains how to beat the heat and minimise the risks posed by extreme weather.
  • Certificate Wildfire Awareness and Risk Assessment

    Wildfire Awareness and Risk Assessment

    3-4 hrs
    This free online fire safety course explains how to assess the risk of wildfires and manage the hazards they pose.
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