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Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
Expert survival training strategies
Teaching & Academics
Personal Development
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Advance Learning - Survival Strategy stands at the forefront of online educational resources, specialising in critical survival skills. Their expertise in research and pedagogy is evident in their comprehensive asynchronous courses, covering nuclear warfare, natural disasters, and identity theft. They provide vital knowledge and practical strategies, preparing individuals to effectively handle these high-stakes scenarios.

The curriculum delves into the complexities of surviving nuclear threats, responding to natural disasters like earthquakes and wildfires, and protecting oneself from identity theft. Advance Learning’s courses blend academic theory with real-life applications, ensuring learners gain both understanding and practical skills. The self-pace...
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Emergency Protocol for an Active Shooter
3,965 Learners already enrolled
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Free Online Courses by Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
1.5-3 hrs 3,845 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • State how to protect financial information on your computer
  • Identify how to be more aware of identity theft
  • Explain how identity theft occurs and the damage it can cause you
  • List the best methods to protect your computer
  • Discuss the importance of making staff aware of the issue
  • Recall how to decide what is real and what is fake or fraudulent online
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Information Security
Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
1.5-3 hrs
3845 enrolled
The Basics of Nuclear Survival
1.5-3 hrs 1,120 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • State the types of threats resulting from a nuclear explosion
  • Describe the consequences and impact of a nuclear blast
  • Outline the safety measures to take during a nuclear attack
  • Identify what ‘fallout’ is and how to deal with it
  • List the types of food and drink that you can safely consume after fallout
  • Explain some of the injuries that a nuclear explosion might cause
  • Outline how to build a shelter
  • Describe the essential items you may wish to store
  • Discuss the return to health and vigour of Japan's bombed cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • Recall the steps necessary to reduce the effect of a blast
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Public Health
The Basics of Nuclear Survival
1.5-3 hrs
1120 enrolled
Declassified: Exploring the Legacy of Nuclear Testing
1.5-3 hrs 572 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss nuclear weapons tests from 1945 to 1980
  • List the German scientists who discovered nuclear fission and then state the concerns about their discovery
  • Recall which US physicist led the Manhattan Project and the 'Trinity Test' in 1945
  • Describe the arms race and the treaties that have reduced the number of weapons in the world up to the present
  • Outline the findings of UNSCEAR on the presence of radioactive materials on the earth
  • State which crop was found to have 30 times more radioactivity in 1958 than pre-1945 samples
  • Describe the features of a nuclear explosion and the three damage zones
  • Explain the difference between an atomic and a thermonuclear bomb
  • Describe the underground Cannikin test in Alaska in 1971
  • Discuss whether an underground explosion causes an earthquake
  • State the events around the USA’s first underwater test
  • Recall the history of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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Declassified: Exploring the Legacy of Nuclear Testing
1.5-3 hrs
572 enrolled
Surviving Nuclear Fallout: Essential Knowledge and Strategies
1.5-3 hrs 510 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how nuclear fallout is created and recall what to do if an attack is imminent
  • Outline how to remove fallout from your person and what to do with pets exposed to fallout
  • Recall some of the key scientific terms used around fallout and explain what half-life means
  • Discuss different types of radiation and common isotopes found in nuclear fallout
  • Recall the first two disasters to receive the highest ranking on the INES scale
  • Distinguish the different measurements used for radiation doses
  • Relate some of the findings of the UN's report regarding Chernobyl and Fukushima
  • List some countries with compensation schemes for workers impacted by radiation or fallout
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Disaster Management
Surviving Nuclear Fallout: Essential Knowledge and Strategies
1.5-3 hrs
510 enrolled
Conceptos Básicos Para la Supervivencia Nuclear
3-4 hrs 164 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describir las consecuencias y el impacto de una explosión nuclear
  • Reconocer los pasos necesarios para reducir el efecto de una explosión
  • Identificar las "consecuencias" y cómo enfrentarlas
  • Describir los artículos esenciales que desee almacenar
  • Reconocer los tipos de peligro resultantes de una explosión nuclear
  • Enlistar las medidas de seguridad que se deben tomar durante un ataque nuclear
  • Clasificar los alimentos y bebidas seguros para el consumo después de una lluvia radiactiva
  • Distinguir las lesiones a causa de una explosión nuclear
  • Generar la construcción de un refugio
  • Analizar la recuperación total de las ciudades de Nagasaki e Hiroshima después de ser bombardeadas
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Conceptos Básicos Para la Supervivencia Nuclear
3-4 hrs
164 enrolled
Al Descubierto: Explorando El Legado de Las Pruebas Nucleares
3-4 hrs 125 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Analizar la trayectoria armamentista y los tratados que redujeron el número de armas en el mundo en la actualidad
  • Describir las características de una explosión nuclear y las 3 zonas de daños
  • Explicar la diferencia entre una bomba atómica y una termonuclear
  • Describir la prueba subterránea de Cannikin en Alaska de 1971
  • Analizar las pruebas de armas nucleares de1945 a 1980
  • Identificar a los científicos alemanes que descubrieron la fisión nuclear y las preocupaciones de la época
  • Reconocer al físico estadounidense que dirigió el Proyecto Manhattan y la "Prueba Trinity" en 1945
  • Declarar las conclusiones del UNSCEAR de la presencia de materiales radiactivos en la Tierra
  • Comparar los cultivos de 1958 con 30 veces más radiactividad con los de 1945
  • Valorar si una explosión subterránea provocaría un terremoto
  • Indicar los acontecimientos en torno a la primera prueba submarina de los Estados Unidos
  • Recordar la historia de Hiroshima y Nagasaki
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Al Descubierto: Explorando El Legado de Las Pruebas Nucleares
3-4 hrs
125 enrolled
Conocimientos y Estrategias Clave Para Sobrevivir a la Lluvia Radiactiva
3-4 hrs 95 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Reconocer las diferentes medidas utilizadas para las dosis de radiación
  • Describir la produccion de lluvia radiactiva y qué hacer en caso de un ataque inminente
  • Indicar la descontaminacion de lluvia radioactiva y de mascotas afectadas
  • Recordar los términos científicos de la lluvia radiactiva y explicar el significado de la vida media
  • Categorizar los tipos de radiación y los isótopos comunes encontrados en la lluvia radiactiva
  • Recordar las dos catástrofes que recibieron la máxima calificación en la escala INES
  • Resumir el informe de la ONU sobre Chornóbil, Fukushima y Foro de Chernóbil
  • Identificar países con sistemas de compensación para los trabajadores afectados por radiación
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Conocimientos y Estrategias Clave Para Sobrevivir a la Lluvia Radiactiva
3-4 hrs
95 enrolled
Emergency Protocol for an Active Shooter
1.5-3 hrs 3,965 learners
By Advance Learning - Survival Strategy
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ‘active shooter’
  • Outline the three steps to take if an active shooter enters your working environment
  • Explain how to prepare for an active shooting
  • Describe possible actions to take if the suspect is nearby or if you are outside
  • Recall the questions you must answer when you call law enforcement during an active shooter situation
  • Discuss the goals of the primary and secondary waves of law enforcement
  • Outline the potential symptoms of employee violence
  • Identify the three main classes of workplace violence
  • Define an ‘EAP’ and establish its importance
  • Explain how managers can prepare their personnel for an active shooter scenario
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Health and Safety
Emergency Protocol for an Active Shooter
1.5-3 hrs
3965 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 11
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Nadine Police Lockup G.
This course teaches me how to protect myself at the cash machine and what sign to look out for to know that my account have been hacked.
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Ammar A.
I needed this course for growing my professional career and now i achieved the goal just because of Alison.
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