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Industry leaders in maritime learning
Engineering & Construction
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
For two decades, American Digital University (ADU) has been publishing quality courses related to the maritime industry. Its journey began with the realisation that there was a real problem with access in the sector, so it set about addressing this through the creation of more accessible instructional and learning opportunities for students interested in entering the maritime industry.

Together with industry and educational leaders, ADU has worked to redefine maritime learning and training by transforming brick-and-mortar classes into effective web-based channels. In India, through a government sponsored programme, ADU has become the de facto online training provider for the national maritime community and works extensively with the regional Work Force ...
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Diploma in Marine Diesel Engines
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Free Online Courses by ADU
The Fundamentals of Statistics
1.5-3 hrs 21,933 learners
You Will Learn How To

Having successfully completed this course you will be able to:

  • Explain requirements for conducting a sampling
  • Describe methods for gathering data
  • Compare processes of classifying data
  • Compute central tendency, including mean, median, mode
  • Define sigma notation expressions in order to write large sums
  • Compute the range for a data set
  • Compute mean absolute deviation
  • Compute variance
  • Compute standard deviation
  • Label mean, standard deviations, and percentages on a normal bell curve
  • Identify variations on skewed graphs
  • Compare relationships between data sets using correlation
  • Analyze scatter plots and then create them based on given data
  • Calculate the Pearson coefficient of correlation
  • Calculate critical levels of r
  • Calculate the equation of the regression line and “best fit”
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The Fundamentals of Statistics
1.5-3 hrs
21933 enrolled
Introduction to Physical Chemistry
3-4 hrs 4,073 learners
You Will Learn How To

After completing this course, the students should be able to:.

  • Describe enthalpy through exothermic and endothermic reactions
  • Describe crude oil/ petroleum and its separation using fractionation method to form useful distillation products
  • Analyze the effect of concentration, catalyst, pressure, particle size and temperature on reaction rate
  • Analyze redox reactionsin terms of oxygen/hydrogen gain/loss
  • Explain the types and properties of acids and bases, strength of acid and bases, and dissociation constant
  • Describe calculations associated with acid-base neutralization reaction
  • Discuss the properties of bases in reactions with acids and ammonium salts
  • Summarize techniques used in the preparation, separation and purification of salts
  • Explain the synthesis of ammonia by the Haber process
  • Explain the manufacture of sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and its uses
  • Discuss environmental impact of acid rain
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Introduction to Physical Chemistry
3-4 hrs
4073 enrolled
Statistics: Effectively Displaying Data
1.5-3 hrs 4,659 learners
You Will Learn How To

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Recognize the most effective graph for presenting information
  • Discuss and explain frequency tables
  • Discuss and explain bar and Pareto graphs
  • Discuss and explain dot-frequency graphs
  • Discuss and explain line graphs
  • Discuss and explain picture graphs
  • Discuss and explain circle graphs
  • Discuss and explain stem-leaf plots
  • Discuss and explain box-whisker graphs
  • Discuss and explain histograms
  • Discuss and explain cumulative frequency histograms
  • Discuss and explain the cumulative frequency polygons
  • Identify percentiles and quartiles with respect to cumulative frequency polygons
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Statistics: Effectively Displaying Data
1.5-3 hrs
4659 enrolled
Probability and Combinatorics
3-4 hrs 1,320 learners
You Will Learn How To

Having completed this course, students will be able to :

  • Explain/compute factorials
  • Distinguish permutation from combination and state definitions
  • Compute permutations with or without replacement, duplicate objects, and using all or some of the objects
  • Explain differences between impossible/certain events and their probabilities
  • Compare sample spaces, tree and Venn diagrams
  • Compare empirical and theoretical probabilities
  • Compute mutually exclusive/inclusive event probabilities
  • Explain Counting/Probability Principles for independent/ dependent events
  • Differentiate probabilities of more than one event occurring “with replacement” or “without replacement and compute values
  • Summarize Bernoulli experiments and requirements
  • Relate Binomial Theorem/Pascal’s Triangle to expand binomials and find a specific term
  • Explain meaning of and compute conditional probabilities
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Probability and Combinatorics
3-4 hrs
1320 enrolled
Diploma in Maritime Logistics
10-15 hrs 15,533 learners
You Will Learn How To

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the differences between intermodal and multimodal transportation
  • Identify the roles and functions of the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms)
  • Analyze some supply chain management principles
  • Discuss the different chartering agreements
  • Discuss the maritime chain of transportation
  • Outline the characteristics of break bulk cargo
  • Explain the importance of the supply chain in the oil industry
  • Explain container systems as an essential part of maritime logistics
  • Discuss the importance of cargo documentation
  • Analyze the application of ICT (information communication) in supply chain management.
  • Explain how digitalization influences maritime logistics
  • Outline the threats to the maritime transportation industry
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Business Development
Diploma in Maritime Logistics
10-15 hrs
15533 enrolled
Introduction to Ships, Ports and Terminals
4-5 hrs 4,974 learners
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain why ships are important in transportation
  • Explain the basics of a general cargo vessel
  • Analyze the ventilation requirement of cargo during transit
  • Describe the cargo-carrying capacity of a general cargo vessel
  • Outline the factors to be considered prior to loading general cargo
  • Discuss the different chartering agreements
  • Explain the concept of voyage chartering
  • Outline the various segments of the shipping market
  • Identify the roles of the shipping company or carrier and of third-party service providers
  • Discuss the importance of ports and terminals
  • Identify the different classifications of ports and terminals
  • Explain the process of port operation management
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Supply Chain Management
Introduction to Ships, Ports and Terminals
4-5 hrs
4974 enrolled
Beginner Cargo Transportation Processes
4-5 hrs 4,184 learners
You Will Learn How To

Upon the successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Outline the characteristics of break bulk cargo
  • Identify the actions of the actions by the shipper when securing cargo
  • Analyze the process of ventilation in cargo transportation
  • Outline all the functions of petroleum logistics
  • Outline the loading and discharging operations in shipping
  • Analyze the factors used to determine the initial, maximum and topping-off rates
  • Explain various metrics of cargo measurements
  • Discuss the process of containerization
  • Identify the compatibility characteristics for different types of cargo
  • Outline the different types of liner ships used in shipping
  • Discuss some liner shipping regulations
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Operations Management
Beginner Cargo Transportation Processes
4-5 hrs
4184 enrolled
Digitalization and Security in Maritime Logistics
4-5 hrs 3,801 learners
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the details of export and import cargo documentation
  • Analyze the commercial and legal need for cargo documentation
  • Explain the application of ICT in supply chain management
  • Outline the distinct facets of electronic data interchange (EDI)
  • Discuss the operations of extensible markup language (XML)
  • Explain how digitalization influences maritime logistics
  • Outline how IIoT helps to optimize the supply chain
  • Discuss the application of big data analytics
  • Outline the security threats to the maritime transportation industry
  • Discuss the relevance of the ISPS Code
  • Identify relevant government legislation and regulations
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Marine Navigation
Digitalization and Security in Maritime Logistics
4-5 hrs
3801 enrolled
Showing 1 - 8 of 211
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Dr. E.
Nice content to learn for newbie like me. Clearly explained.
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Daniel M.
The material presented is this course was very relevant when working in industry.
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