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Juan E Galvan is a serial entrepreneur in the technology sector with experience ranging from digital marketing, e-commerce and web development to programming. A native of Seattle in the USA, Juan earned a bachelor's of science in business from the University of Phoenix in Arizona. On completing his degree, he went to work for Zones, a technology company where he was responsible for new business development. After a few years in the corporate world, Juan decided to start his own business as a digital marketing consultant. He consulted businesses on marketing, sales and web development.

Juan is a firm believer in continuous education as it has the best aspects of a university degree without all the downsides of burdensome costs and inefficient methods. Hr believes that education should be easily accessible to everyone around the world with instructors who have real world experience in the field.

Juan has teamed up with Alison so that students around the world can get access to education for free so they can enhance their careers and have an overall higher quality of life. His courses have already helped more than 400 000 students improve their quality of life and get the education they deserve.To learn more about Juan and what they have to offer, take a look at their LinkedIn profile here.

Free, Online Courses Created by Juan Galvan

  • Certificate Start your Own Profitable Web Design Agency Business

    Start your Own Profitable Web Design Agency Business

    1.5-3 hrs
    This free online entrepreneurship course guides you through all the aspects of creating a successful web design agency.
  • Diploma Diploma in Cascading Style Sheets with NPM and Sass

    Diploma in Cascading Style Sheets with NPM and Sass

    10-15 hrs
    Learn why many developers are using Sass and the pros and cons of using this service in this free online course.
  • Diploma Diploma in Machine Learning with Python

    Diploma in Machine Learning with Python

    10-15 hrs
    This free online artificial intelligence course expands your knowledge of machine learning using Python as a base..
  • Diploma Advanced Diploma in Cloud Computing for Amazon Web Services

    Advanced Diploma in Cloud Computing for Amazon Web Services

    20-30 hrs
    In this free online course, learn about the principles and services involved in cloud computing for Amazon Web Services.
  • Certificate A Beginners Guide to JavaScript

    A Beginners Guide to JavaScript

    6-10 hrs
    Learn how to use JavaScript with practical examples so you can enhance your coding abilities in this free online course.
  • Certificate The Ultimate SEO Blueprint

    The Ultimate SEO Blueprint

    3-4 hrs
    This free online course will teach you to quickly improve your Google ranking using your most profitable keywords.
  • Certificate The Ultimate Blueprint for WordPress

    The Ultimate Blueprint for WordPress

    1.5-3 hrs
    Master the process of building simple yet beautiful websites with Wordpress Blueprint in this free online course.
  • Diploma Diploma in Cascading Style Sheets using HTML

    Diploma in Cascading Style Sheets using HTML

    6-10 hrs
    In this free online course, master the processes of building a professional one-page website using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
  • Certificate Master the Flexbox Model for Websites

    Master the Flexbox Model for Websites

    6-10 hrs
    In this free online course, you will learn to use Flexbox to create responsive websites with less coding, easily.
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