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Emma Paunil is a professional educator, musician, acting coach, and creative, with a wide range of disciplines, including emotional development and intelligence, professional development, acting, and coaching, casting, improvisation, leadership and mentorship, piano, music and songwriting, and more! She melds these disciplines through her music, writing and performance background, using multi-media stimulation for her creative work. Her teaching passion lies particularly within critical concepts of emotional intelligence and mental health, using acting education and music to channel this passion.

Emma has taught in various venues and locations, including Epupa Primary School in Namibia, Film Actor Workshops, Imago Dei Middle School (Arizona, USA), Reid Park Zoo (Tuscon, USA), and even the University of Arizona School of Higher Education. As an actress, Emma is best known for feature films such as 'Positive' (2019), 'The Tiny House Movie' (2019), and 'When I Sing' (2018). In addition to landing lead roles in multiple projects in the United States, she has a vast array of commercial experience, including with BetterHelp Online Therapy, Grabb & Durando attorneys, Promera Sport, Reality Reimagined and more. As an acting coach and director, Emma is best known for her work directing acting – for youth and adults – in projects ranging from episodic series such as 'Real Gossip Queens of Tucson' to her own written works – such as her music video for her vocal release, 'Soul Flame'.

She offers different acting course series as online videos, from her own original curriculum, through Alison. The four series include Script Work, Auditioning & Submitting, Acting Industry Basics, and the full package of all three, Acting 101 Full Series.

Free, Online Courses Created by Emma Paunil

  • Certificate The Acting Series with Emma Paunil

    The Acting Series with Emma Paunil

    3-4 hrs
    Learn how to work with scripts, write a professional acting résumé and audition successfully in this free online course.
  • Certificate How the Acting Industry Works

    How the Acting Industry Works

    1.5-3 hrs
    Explore the acting industry including developing resumes, taking headshots, and social media in this free online course.
  • Certificate Introduction to Acting Auditions

    Introduction to Acting Auditions

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn the basic auditioning types and techniques so you can ace your next audition with this free online course.
  • Certificate The Basics of Script Analysis

    The Basics of Script Analysis

    1.5-3 hrs
    Learn the foundational basics of script analysis and the various acting techniques in this free online acting course.
  • Certificate Résumé Building Workshop

    Résumé Building Workshop

    1.5-3 hrs
    Study how to build an effective professional résumé and succeed in your first job interview in this free online course.
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