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Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
Passionate microcontroller engineer
Engineering & Construction
Teaching on Alison since Aug 2021
Ashraf Said AlMadhoun is an educator, mechatronics engineer, electronics and programming hobbyist, and maker. He creates online video courses on the EduEng YouTube Channel and is the author of four Microcontroller books. As a chief educational engineer since 2007 at Educatio...
🏆 Top Course by this Course Creator
An Introduction to the ESP32 Web Server
2,070 Learners already enrolled
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Free Online Courses by Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
An Introduction to the ESP32 Web Server
1.5-3 hrs 2,070 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to download and install the Arduino application on your computer
  • Recall how to download and install the ESP32 package in the Arduino application
  • Distinguish between a web server and a web client
  • Outline the operating modes of ESP32
  • Discuss how to turn an ESP32 into an access point and serve webpages to any connected client
  • Describe how to build a simple web server with an ESP32 to control outputs such as LEDs
  • Select the correct General Purpose Input Output for your projects
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An Introduction to the ESP32 Web Server
1.5-3 hrs
2070 enrolled
Maintenance and Troubleshooting for Electronic and Electrical Devices
4-5 hrs 13,182 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the work of a troubleshooter
  • List the various tools used by a troubleshooter
  • Summarise standard electronic and electrical components
  • Define troubleshooting
  • Discuss the importance of device maintenance
  • Recall the four main steps of servicing
  • Compare direct current to alternative current
  • Explain practical aspects of current measurement
  • Recall basic symbols
  • Recognise resistors
  • Describe the testing of capacitors
  • Contrast inductors to transistors
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Maintenance and Troubleshooting for Electronic and Electrical Devices
4-5 hrs
13182 enrolled
Master PLC Programming
5-6 hrs 41,165 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the examples of control elements
  • Describe the two types of circuits used to make line diagrams
  • List the three parts of the CPU
  • Define the concept of soft wiring
  • Discuss the difference between off-delay and on-delay timers
  • Recall the buttons under the file menu in TP Editor
  • Explain the process of creating a SCADA project
  • Evaluate the two types of counters
  • Analyze the essential elements in SFCs
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Master PLC Programming
5-6 hrs
41165 enrolled
Soldering Electric Components Like An Expert
1.5-3 hrs 4,717 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the correct soldering iron for your job
  • List the tools you need to stay safe and do a professional job
  • Summarize the soldering process
  • Recognize a good soldering joint from a bad one
  • Define tinning
  • Discuss the cleaning process for your soldering iron
  • Explain how to solder correctly
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Soldering Electric Components Like An Expert
1.5-3 hrs
4717 enrolled
A Step-by-Step Guide to Microcontroller Interrupts
3-4 hrs 3,349 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define an interrupt
  • State how to code using MikroC Pro
  • Summarize how to design a circuit using Proteus software
  • Discuss RCON Register and INTCON Registers
  • Explain how to use different types of Interrupts in PIC18F and PIC16F
  • Analyze RB4-7, External, and other Interrupt types
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Microcontroller Interrupts
3-4 hrs
3349 enrolled
How to Display Everything using ESP32 and Databases
1.5-3 hrs 984 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recall how to download and install the ESP32 package in an Arduino application
  • Discuss how to set up a free website for your ESP32 project
  • Recognise how to retrieve a table from your SQL database
  • Outline how to create a PHP script to insert data into a database
  • Summarise how to create a PHP script to display database content on a website
  • Explain how to create an ESP32 HTTP request in Arduino IDE
  • Paraphrase how to display ESP32 reading on your webpage
  • Select the correct General Purpose Input Output for your projects
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How to Display Everything using ESP32 and Databases
1.5-3 hrs
984 enrolled
Arduino Boards Fusion 360 Guide to 3D Printed Enclosure
1.5-3 hrs 1,037 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recall how to download and install the free Fusion 360 software
  • List the features of the Fusion 360 application
  • Explain how to create frames with specific dimensions on Fusion 360
  • State the process of using the chamfers and extrude tools in the Fusion 360 software
  • Paraphrase the steps in using the time machine feature to fix errors in the Fusion 360 tool
  • Discuss how to import 3D models of Arduino into the Fusion 360 application
  • Describe the process of creating cutouts on a design in Fusion 360
  • Summarise the method of creating a 3D motion video from the Fusion 360 tool
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Arduino Boards Fusion 360 Guide to 3D Printed Enclosure
1.5-3 hrs
1037 enrolled
Understand Electronic & Microcontroller Circuit Design and Simulation
1.5-3 hrs 4,465 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the main types of breadboards used in circuits
  • Describe the role of a resistor in a circuit
  • List the different types of components that you can add to your circuit
  • Define the concept of Ohm's Law
  • Discuss the fundamental types of circuits
  • Evaluate the two methods of coding your circuit
  • Recall the importance of the analogue write function
  • Distinguish between pull-up and pull-down resistors
  • Explain the fundamental goal of a serial monitor
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Understand Electronic & Microcontroller Circuit Design and Simulation
1.5-3 hrs
4465 enrolled
Repair your Electronic Projects with Ease
4-5 hrs 7,786 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Summarize common electronic and electrical components
  • Discuss the electronic components in an electronic project
  • List troubleshooting safety concerns
  • Compare direct current to alternating current
  • Describe voltage measurement
  • Explain practical aspects of current measurement
  • Discuss the experimental testing of resistors
  • Recognize what a resistor does
  • Explain power dissipation
  • Describe the testing of capacitors
  • Contrast inductors to transistors
  • Distinguish Zener diode from Light-emitting diode
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Repair your Electronic Projects with Ease
4-5 hrs
7786 enrolled
A Complete Guide to Camtasia 2021
3-4 hrs 2,025 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to make and edit your videos
  • Recall how to record, edit and share content
  • Outline some fundamental video editing basics
  • Discuss using canvases and timelines in video editing
  • Indicate how to add annotations, callouts, and titles
  • Evaluate audio editing
  • Distinguish between exporting and sharing
  • Summarize using a template
  • Classify file, edit and export menus
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Video Editing
A Complete Guide to Camtasia 2021
3-4 hrs
2025 enrolled
An Introduction to the Arduino Solar Tracker
1.5-3 hrs 3,685 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the hardware requirements for designing an Arduino Solar Tracker
  • Describe the applications where servo motors are used
  • List the two main methods of creating a new file
  • Define the concept of solar tracking
  • Discuss the actions that you can carry out from the tools section in Arduino IDE
  • Evaluate the built-in examples in Arduino IDE
  • Explain what happens if the amount of light is the same on both Light Dependent Resistors
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Renewable Energy
An Introduction to the Arduino Solar Tracker
1.5-3 hrs
3685 enrolled
Design & Manufacture a Training Kit using PIC Microcontrollers
1.5-3 hrs 1,240 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and a PIC microcontroller training kit
  • Recall how to download and install the Proteus professional software, for free, on your computer
  • List the main components of a PIC microcontroller Training Kit
  • Discuss how to design a single-layer and double-layer PCB on Proteus professional application
  • Explain how to prepare your PCB design for manufacturing
  • Identify the elements needed in the fabrication of a PIC microcontroller training kit
  • Describe the processes of manufacturing a PIC microcontroller training kit
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Design & Manufacture a Training Kit using PIC Microcontrollers
1.5-3 hrs
1240 enrolled
Managing Arduino Power Consumption
1.5-3 hrs 917 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Outline the process of downloading and installing the Arduino and Proteus software packages
  • Indicate the usage of Arduino and Proteus software packages
  • List the various methods of reducing Arduino power consumption
  • Identify the power-consuming components on an Arduino board
  • Recall external circuits and devices, which you can use to reduce Arduino power consumption
  • Discuss the use of the Arduino wake up modes to reduce power consumption
  • Describe the process of lowering Arduino clock speed
  • List the essential parts required to build an Arduino board
  • Describe the steps in the process of building an Arduino board
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Managing Arduino Power Consumption
1.5-3 hrs
917 enrolled
Understanding Microcontroller Interfacing Using Different Elements
4-5 hrs 1,385 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to embed code to your PIC Microcontroller using mikroC Pro
  • Recall how to perform circuit simulations using Proteus software
  • Summarize how to use PICSimlab to run simulations using virtual boards
  • Discuss how to interface LCD screens, LEDs, buttons and switches to a PIC microcontroller
  • Describe how transistors function
  • Indicate the function of relays
  • State how to use a Darlington Driver IC device
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Electrical Engineering
Understanding Microcontroller Interfacing Using Different Elements
4-5 hrs
1385 enrolled
A Guide to Meeting PIC Microcontrollers Using Python
4-5 hrs 1,492 learners
By Ashraf Said AlMadhoun
You Will Learn How To

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the circuit design that is utilized
  • List hardware and software requirements needed for this course
  • Explain the working principles of Python
  • Recall the downloading and installation of Python Editor
  • Outline the configuration of serial communication
  • Recognize Python script coding
  • Explain how to install Python and PIP
  • Discuss the use of ArdPython
  • Describe the uploading of the Arduino communication sketch
  • Outline the installation of mikroC PRO
  • Compare Python to ArdPython
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A Guide to Meeting PIC Microcontrollers Using Python
4-5 hrs
1492 enrolled
Learner Reviews & Feedback For
Nadine Felecia G.
This course enables I to describe the schematic used to make our oscilloscope circuit for Arduino it also guide I the ways to download and install Python software, libraries and editor;
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Liked it learning more about computers and their components its teaching me that all the electronic devices which I have thrown out could have easily been repaired from radio to television home phones tablets gaming consoles, taking the IPC lesson soon.
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