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    Video 1: Catherine and Isabella
    Hello, and welcome to week four lectures on Northanger Abbey in today's session. I'm going to talk, uh, about how to bring, uh, the Gothic villain. Uh, we knew that there is no, um, glottic Waylon in the traditional. Sense, uh, but the risk of women of, uh, sought, um, in the novel and in today's session, we're going to talk about, um, that character. Now some preliminary concepts about Northanger Abbey, uh, which will offer us, um, perspectives, which are different to those that I have, uh, discussed in the previous one sessions. Um, here is up criticism by a wholesaler. In 1798, Jane Austin sat down to write the novel that was published. Postma sleep as Northanger, Abbey, more topical than any of her other works, not the anger. Abby reads as a critique of both the Gothic and the sentimental sensibilities that were being forced to do on women leaders at the time. Now V. See, um, that this particular critique, um, uh, Is being pleased, uh, in the context of, uh, the time in which the novel was first written. So, um, this credit goes back to 1798 as the, uh, point of time in which our Austin sat down to write this novel. And she called this normal as topical. It's very relevant to the issues that were circulating in society at that time. So. In that period, the late 18th century, the Gothic was having its heyday. It was a very popular sub genre of the novel and the sentimental novel was also extremely popular and fashionable among the reading public and reading public was composed of women readers largely at that time. So you can see how this particular critique offered by availa, uh, is suggesting that both the God thick and the sentimental, uh, were, um, Jonah's, Asub Jonah's that were being offered. Uh, she quoted foisted, um, you know, that they're being kind of, um, given, um, Forced upon the women leaders, uh, at that time. So, uh, there is the implication then that would, the God began. The sentimental were somehow detrimental to the intellectual, uh, makeup of the women. Oh, very low for the goes on to say that if, um, Catherine Morlin coded has gotten, they just victimized and brought a foolish then. So it's Isabella Thorpe coded as sentimental. In many ways, Northanger Abbey, fictionalized as the major points and Woodstone craft street guys showing that, um, women who are given inadequate educations will be the victims of their own folly, asked for a list of masculine harbors, um, uh, last and greed. Now, uh, there are two points here which are that, um, Maven, such as Catherine Morland and Isabella Thorpe are, uh, WIC Tims. So, uh, they are also victimized, uh, and made foolish by the society around them. So that's the first point that we can, um, derive from this criticism. Secondly, um, Because they are somehow victims of society. Uh, they can, uh, in time be, uh, victimize us. Um, in other words, um, they also adopt masculine, uh, hubris, such as lust and greed. That's what we see on the part of Isabella tarp. So, uh, if Katherine Martin is seen as a victim, then wants you all to see this. A duplicitous Isabella tarp that calculating manipulative, uh, Isabella harp as, um, someone who is old, so a victim of society. Cause, um, she is a structured, uh, her, um, you know, uh, Mental faculties are manipulated by the needs of society in such a way that she is trying to, uh, work with the system STEM by being greedy as well. On the one hand, Isabella Thorpe is considered the antihero wine of the novel. Uh, nevertheless, Catherine admires her when they first meet. And she's impressed by Isabella's knowledge about fashion, bald and relationships. So, um, B B knew that she is the antihero and because she is extremely calming and she, uh, breaks engagements, which are, which are not ideal for her. Um, Oh for her benefit in terms of, um, most nursery, um, it needs, so she is the antihero and because she is disloyal and faithful and, uh, she just toys with Catherine cheap. She can kind of manipulates Catherine yet. We also, I see that, um, then Catherine first meets her in bop. She admires her. Um, she is, um, I'm kind of impressed by, uh, Isabella's knowledge about fashion walls, um, and relationships. So she, she kind of looks up to Isabella Thorpe. Isabella becomes a kind of a guide and a mentor figure until the tail knees arrive in Bach. Um, so. Catherine Morgan can, can only put away the books, the God pick. No, uh, in order to spend time with Isabella. In other words, uh, Isabella Thorpe is more attractive to her than Gothic fiction that she reads now. Um, this is a quote from the novel and this code, um, tell cells, um, about the kind of impact Isabella had on Catherine Morland. These bombers received you admiration from Catherine to whom they were entirely new. Catherine then run directly upstairs and watched ms. Thorpe's progress down the street from the drawing room and do admire the graceful spirit of her walk, the fashionable heir of a figure and dress and feel grateful. I suppose she might for the chance which had procured her such a friend. So you can see how, uh, in awe. Of Isabella that Catherine is. So, um, Catherine even admires the way she walks down the street. Um, she admires the, you know, the will movie, she walks and we need to remember that. Yeah. And those are kinds of the 18th and 19th century. Um, the demeanor of women are very, very different. Put it into, um, the etiquette that the exhibit, um, you know, the kind of accomplishments that they possess are hugely important, um, for the kind of status that they have in polite society. Um, so you can see how, um, Isabella. Is being appreciated for the fashionable, eh, or for a figure and dress. And Catherine is immensely grateful that, um, she, uh, got Isabella as her friend in box because she can be guided by Isabella. So if you realized that Isabella was going to have a prominent function in the story's development, as captain's most faithful friend and we'll model, at least until Catherine discovers that she's not such a loyal friend. Uh, both Isabella and Catherine enjoy reading novels, but the former doesn't seem to read as much just catheter in flack is a bill of having made out a list of 10 or 12 novels. Um, but lead technologist that she hasn't read all of them and that NEDA that she needed made the list back, a friend of hers. Um, You can see, uh, the fraudulent nature of poor kind of slowly and much, um, from this incident of novel reading. So she makes out a list, uh, of Gothic fiction for the benefit of Catherine Morland. Uh, but then, uh, Vive realized that she hasn't read, um, These are novels, but just made the list for the benefit of cap that I, and I'm the oldest. So how it was important for fashionable women to have read all these, um, fashionable novel. So Gothic fiction is part of politeness in this way. And, um, Isabella Tor is somehow an outsider. That's the impression that we get from the way she kind of, uh, wants to be part of fish, fashionable society, but she's not really part of it. Yeah. Catherine, that's read all of it novels, but Isabella Thorpe, um, who was so fashionable, it doesn't do it. Doesn't read all these novels. So she is a kind of an interloper figure. Um, some sense now.

    Video 2: Parody - Gothic Villain
    John Tor is the brother of Isabella harp and his characterization. Israel is significant to our understanding of, uh, the Gtech nature of this particular novel Northanger Abbey. So pops, cap, crustaceans, quite typical of Gothic fiction. The man who often persecutes the horizon and endangers or safety, for example, Catherine does stay in the carriage though. She was asking him, stop and let her go here. Austin parody is the figure of the Gothic. And so got the, uh, um, it's the kind yeah. Of subtext that has given to John. Torque, uh, John Thorpe is interested in Catherine Morland. He has romantic notions towards her, primarily because he thinks that Catherine Moreland is rich and he will get a lot of money if he marries her. Um, So w when he is on the process of this courtship, um, we see him endangering her safe, D N going against her. Yes. Hope wishes too. So when Catherine is driving with John tarp, um, okay. The streets of buck, uh, at one point when she notices her friends, Henry, and, uh, uh, Elena hilly, and she wants to stop the carriage, but he does. Not so this, um, behave savior of John tarp, who is not respecting the wishes of the individual, the one who persecutes the, uh, heroin is a Gothic, uh, willing stroke. And, um, this is, um, something that Austin gives, uh, John, uh, torque to make a show that, uh, she is, um, Criticized saying, uh, such character. So what set pattern going on in relation to John Thorpe a year, the way he kind of, uh, bumbled around this, uh, novel, uh, his. While ago a language, his Britain's, his bravado. Um, all these, even though, uh, make him appear as a comic heart, that there is a crime, there is a seriousness, uh, to his character as well. He is on the word of threatening, um, the happiness and safety of, uh, Catherine Morland. So from the very beginning, John Thorpe is depicted as egocentric, conceited, arrogant, and ill mama. He just talks about his horses and his main interest of carriages and money. In fact, he is considered one of the main elements of the novel ambition contributes the most important event of the novel in which cactus, but avarice. So you can see how, um, John Thorpe becomes an important, uh, Parker and the novel because he embodies, um, All the characteristics, which are detrimental to the happiness of individuals. He is arrogant. He doesn't have a good man as he is. Bostik he is selfish, self centered and egocentric and, um, yeah, obsessed by his interests, horses and carriages and money. Cool. So when he is interested in, uh, Catherine Morland, he's interested because he really believes that she is going to be the Eric to develop the Alan's. Um, the companions who are, um, taking, um, uh, Catherine Morland on this, a trip to back with them. So avarice, the greed of society is. Criticized in small hole through two characters. One is genderless. Tell me whom we discussed in the previous, his lectures and the other is John tarp. The brother of Isabella Isabella. Also we understand is someone who is extremely interested in money and she befriends. Catherine, because she also believes that she's going to be the heir of, um, one of the areas of the Alan's. Um, and, and she is proven wrong. And the first she kind of, uh, uh, realizes that she made a mistake in the friending, um, Catherine Morland and her brother, James Morland. And she goes so far as to break up the engagement with James Morland as well. So all those result in the. Um, discussion about the plot of this novel. You can see how, uh, Catherine is affected by others. Greed, for example, the greed of general Tilney and the greed of John Thorpe, John tops, manners, and not a display properly with Catherine NATO with his mother and sister and the narrative. Again, uses irony to describe this attitude. Oh, fraternal tenderness, which instead of greeting his family, he asked each of them how they did and observed that they both looked very ugly. These manners, provable, Catherine . And, um, and she realizes that thought is the clear antithesis of the gentlemanly Henry Tilney. You can see, we have, um, Walger an improper. John Thorpe is, um, through his behavior with his, uh, family and friends and all these characteristics, uh, make him, uh, extremely, uh, appealing to Catherine. And she contrasts his behavior with that of Henry Tilney. Yeah. Who comes off as extremely gentlemanly on the occasion when a persuader, but Isabella James, Marlon Jones, tarp, and Katherine take a trip. Jim's Berlin and Isabella tarp are left on their own. While Katherine has to bed the impertinence of John tar, he exhibits his arrogance and his obsession with well, or at all time slamming us, Catherine, about mr. Allen 12. Well, so, uh, even when they are taking up picnic, um, a trip, uh, to do that a bit of sightseeing, we realize that the real motives of the air, the tool ops is to find out how much money that they get going to get. And, uh, the point of interest. Uh, for them in relation to, uh, Catherine and her brother, James Moreland is because of the association with the islands. So even when they're, uh, outrun a picnic, um, John Thorpe comes back to the same, uh, point about mr. Allen's wealth. So this is a conversation that John thought passed with Catherine on that trip. Uh, old Allen is as rich as a Jew. Is he not? Catherine did not understand him. And he repeated his question, adding an explanation or Alan, the manual with, Oh, mr. Allen, you mean? Yes. I believe he is ready. Rich and no children at all. No, not any a famous thing for his next heirs. He's your godfather is he not is so you can see it's doc. The point of interest is very clearly the Allens. And he also jumps to conclusions about the fact that, um, Catherine Morland and James Paulen are potentially going to receive a lot of money from the Allens, which is not the case. It was probably from this moment onwards that John tarp imagines that captain Morgan is mr. Alan's heir. So she would be well positioned in the future. How would talk suspicions of faults. Catherine was raised by humble parents who did not have great possessions. In addition, mr. Allen was not as rich as John has imagine, and Catherine was neither his heir. So you realize how quick dark, uh, John Tobe he's, uh, incoming to a drastic inclusions. The very fact that. The eyelids don't have any children and that they have a complete Catherine Morland on this trip, uh, makes him come to this assumption that, um, they're going to be the heirs of the Alan's. Um, so. This is not reality, but John Thorpe, imaginary, it should be, uh, in his own, um, bumbling way. Uh, Catherine, I was raised by humble parents. She does not have a lot of money, not, not a lot of possessions, but enough to be satisfied with life. John Thorpe and general tell Nisha the capitalist features of the Willan commonly presented in Gothic fiction. Instead of using just one and the author uses in Northanger Abbey, the figures of two characters that fit in the role of bad characters. John tarp and general Tilney are interested in Catherine Morland because both believe that she is a rich woman by their interest disappears when they discover that it's not true. John bulls about Catherine's. Well, mr. Tell me, in order to show that his acquaintances are usually very distinguished. So in this novel, we have, uh, two characters, uh, who are interested in, uh, Catherine Morland for monetary reasons. One is John Thorpe and the other is general Tilney. Um, John Thorpe. Kind of Bluffs to, um, uh, to gender. Tell me in order to show that his point and says, uh, such as, uh, Catherine, Morland very distinguished. Uh, he implies that he, um, He has a set of friends and acquaintances who are rich and sophisticated. So in order to kind of, um, make, uh, himself appear in a very important way to genital Tilney. He increases the state chair, the position and estate of Catherine Morland, John tops, words to gentle Tilney have ramifications that he perhaps did not anticipate. Um, and John, uh, and general Tilney picks up on the, um, Nature of the characterization of Catherine Morland that he gets from John tarp and start making his own plant. So, um, Though, this is a Gothic parity though. This novel is a Gothic party. Um, the understory and from the behavior of John tarp and gentle Tilney that they also fit the character Gothic. Brilliant, because I'm not the violence, traditionally Horace and imprisoned. And, um, yeah. Ill treat got the heroines in Gothic fiction in order to, uh, get at property and, uh, money. So, um, John Thorpe almost abuses Catherine Morland, um, he almost oppressed this that's very moral and because he believes that she is rich and that he can, um, And make her, his wife general. Tilney also, um, you know, behaves with Catherine Morland in such a manner because, um, he believes that, uh, she is rich and that she can become the, uh, wife of his son, Henry Tilney. So his behavior has two phases. One is being extremely nice and the other is extremely, yeah. Cool. We'll come to that. The general Slack does Catherine and pleases her as much as he can modestly suggest yours, but not for the world. I would, I paint it by open praise. If you can be induced to honor us for the waste, that you will make us happy beyond expression, gender Tilney, who believes that Catherine Marlon is going to be the heir of the islands, uh, wants to make sure that she will, um, Get engaged to, uh, his son, Henry Tilney and become the doctor and lot. So therefore, uh, he modifies his behavior in order to please her, which is why, um, Look at the way in which he talks to her. Um, he praises her indirectly by saying that modesty is so important to, uh, Catherine, uh, Marlin and look at the way he, uh, requests her, pay them a wizard in Northanger Abbey. Um, this kind of behavior is duplicitous and cannot be trusted with. And, um, In this respect, he reminds us of, uh, Isabella Thorpe as well. Um, Isabella Thorpe, uh, flocked us, um, you know, is extremely, be nice to Katherine, take some by the hand and, uh, uh, introduce her, introduce us Catherine, through the society of buck. So. It's about tarp is not much different to general Tilney general Tilney is not greatly different to, uh, Isabella turf. Uh, only one thing, uh, connects the both of them, which is that, uh, they want to, uh, uh, marry for money or make arrangements so that they will benefit from a marriage. So. Isabella Thorpe, um, thinks that, uh, by marrying, uh, James Morlan, she will, uh, become, uh, um, more of. Validly than she already is that she will marry into money, but then she is disappointed and all that James Morris is not going to get a lot of money from the islands and she breaks the engagement and then she gets engaged captain Tilney the eldest son of general Tilney. And even that engagement doesn't, um, uh, you know, come out the way she expects it to, you can see how much, um, She calculates and tries to make her move in order to settled well, and the same thing can be seen in the, in the, uh, behavior of, um, John top chef. He wants to marry Catherine because he thinks he can settle well by marrying her and then jungle Tilney likewise things that if, if. His second song hindered Tilney Mary's Catherine Morland. Then he will also come into a lot of money. It'll be a sophisticated, proper wedding for his son. So everybody designs certain things in their life based on. Based on the end point of money based on what they would get out of it, ultimately in monetary terms and general Tilney when he realizes again through, uh, John turf, that Catherine is not going to get a lot of money. He becomes extremely, uh, Just pleased with her. And he unceremoniously asked Catherine Morland to leave Northanger Abbey. So how do we see this word is as much offer a nightmare to young women who want to marry well, um, who want to kind of not, uh, You know, be shocked out of a particular class position. Isabella wants to marry well, because she wants to be part of the light society, rich, polite society, and Marlin wants to marry for love. I'm not for money. And for the first time BC, that Henry Tilney. He thinks that, um, you know, money is not as important as, um, Ramond and, and utility decides to go against the will and pleasure of his father, but, uh, my ring, Catherine, more or less. So, uh, this world is not much different from the world of, um, the seizures got the friction in serious, got the friction we have, um, men marry for money. We have men imprisoning women for money, and likewise here in this novel. Women are cornered, um, because, um, you know, uh, because of mercenary monetary reasons. So this is a novel, which seems to parody, um, the Gothic novel, but we also realized that perhaps there is not a parody in it. There's also a kind of an imitation of the Gothic formulas or in a, in a domestic setup, in a polite society now in, in Regency England. And. That kind of invitation is a different kind of Gothic and can call it a domestic God day of the British got thick as well.

    The second of characters in this novel are, uh, quite, uh, important in understanding the nature of the world in which, uh, is set. So the subplot with, um, uh, Isabella Thorpe and John Thorpe, uh, is, uh, kind of, um, mirroring. Um, the word of the teal niece, uh, in a different way, we have Henry Tilney, Elena Tilney, uh, who are, um, being controlled by a gentle Tilney. So, uh, both that world and the world of the tops are, uh, shaken up are, uh, one can say both, both these worlds are, um, directed. By the need for money, the need to make more money. So, uh, while, uh, the top seemed to be quite different to the Tilney is, and not greatly different from this, um, sophisticated bunch of people. Uh, they seem to mirror them in a different way. So while John Thorpe is extremely crude and rude and uh, buffoonish, um, Henry Tilney is very sophisticated and he understands the motivations of people. He understands the nature of the Gothic and he understands the impressionable nature of Catherine Morland and he perhaps also understands. Um, the nature of the relationship between his father and mother, and he knows that a marriage made for the sake of money is not going to be one, which is so look, happiness and contentment. And that's why any memory of this. Um, mother, especially, uh, with the implication that perhaps, um, the father is responsible for the debt. It makes him very upset because he realizes that, uh, that marriage was, um, extremely, uh unsatisfactories uh, for the mother, at least. Yeah. So you can see how marriages can turn into do spaces of the Gothic. Uh, so, um, then Catherine, Morland imagines a Gothic blot in relation to genital Tilney and Mississippi tell me, did the master city, the nature of their relationship offers her the space to. Do it, um, so they are world, uh, including the Abby, the nature and structure of the Abbey and the character of gentle Tilney, it's kind of leading her. Yeah. Imagine a nightmarish scenario. So, so what you can see is, um, gentle tail knees, uh, nature. It's kind of, um, leading Catherine to, uh, come up with Gothic plots, but there are also other less horrible plots perhaps, but there, yeah. Other, um, similar plots that can be constructed in relation to Isabella, Barb and John. For the two characters who have a lot of control over Catherine Morland for 7.47 period in her, uh, life in block. Um, So Katherine Morlan sees, uh, different examples in front of her and through her journey in bod and her visit to Northanger Abbey, she learns that, um, you know, she has to grow up. She has to learn, um, yeah, the fake from the real, she has to know true friendships. She has to know real loyalty, a loyalty, and that's what she learns from Henry Tilney and alumni. Tell me, so. And come out as the ideal, um, Mentos ideal, uh, friends for Catherine Morland better stuff. Uh, uh, are the fingers, the pulps kind of fall away from her. And Catherine realizes that they are not ideal mentors for her in this polite society. Thank you for watching. I'll continue in the next session.