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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is the nature of air quality inside a building that affects the health and well being of its occupants.
    The feeling of illness among the majority of the occupants of a conditioned space is called the "Sick Building Syndrome."
    The sources of pollutants in the indoor environment could be volatile organic chemicals, respirable particulates and bioaerosols.
    Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is a major source of indoor air contamination.
    The contaminants can be managed by design that may involve natural and mechanical ventilation and a suitable IAQ management plan.
    Natural ventilation involves infiltration and exfiltration of air.
    Examples of mechanical ventilators are fans, blowers and HVAC system.
    Low emission materials are prescribed by different standards for indoor chemical and pollution source control.
    The thermal, visual and acoustic comfort levels within the building should be controllable by occupants.
    Interior design considerations, such as circulation spaces, indoor plants and ergonomic furniture enhance the health and well-being of the occupants of a building.