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Module 1: Zoom Integrations and Setups

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    zooom phone brings traditional desuphone capabilities directly into theapplication you're already using formeetings and chat if I click on thephone icon I see call history both callscoming in as well as calls going out forthat user as well as being able to callthem back I can filter by missed callsas well as calls that were recorded inaddition I can play those messages rightfrom the recording as well as call thatindividual back from voicemail I canview the message that came in and wasleft in my inbox as well as thetranscription of that message as wellcalling that individual back and playingthe voicemail as well as deleting thevoicemail is an option right in theapplication in addition to see in my ownvoicemail I can also be shared otherindividuals or shared line voicemails aswell I can click on that and view thatmessage as well as the transcriptionlines allows you to not only see yourown line but any shared lines that havebeen assigned to you as a delegate wecan see that Donald Duck here isavailable and on a mobile device andwhen he gives us a call we can answerthat call see both individual linesactually lit up as available callsrunning actively and I can view whatactivity I can do inside that call I canmute access the keypad I can change myaudio source I can add an additionaluser to the call I can hold that calltransfer that call to an individualrecord the call escalate that call to ameeting and have more of a collaborativeexperience with video and content andminimize the call and view the rest ofmy screen in addition I have the abilityto be able to search for a particularindividual so if I want to type in theirname I will be able to see them hereanybody in my directory will show up andI can just simply click to call them Ican also change my outbound caller IDbased on the number I'm calling from inthis case it can be my direct number itcould be my main company number or itcan be one of the lines that I've beengranted as a delegate for or in generalhide the caller ID altogether