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Module 1: Zoom Rooms and Recording

    Study Reminders

    hey guys I wanted to show you a reallyquick demo on how to use zoom meetingswaiting rooms now this is a really greatuse case for things like virtual officehours for educators physicians and thosein the healthcare industry basicallywhat a waiting room is it's a virtualqueue the cool thing about this is theydon't know people in the queue don'tknow who else is in the queue and as ahost you can admit people in one by oneremove them and then admit the nextperson and you can admit them in anyorder that you like so how you can dothis is really simple it's the sameworkflow whether you have a zoom basicaccount probe is or Enterprise accountall you need to do is click schedulelet's call this waiting room demo youset the date and time that you want tohave this and I like to have my meetingID generate automatically so once youhave all your informationyou can go down to advanced settings andwhat I recommend is one obviously youhave to have enable waiting room checkedin order to use this feature in the zoommeeting I like to uncheck enable jointhe for hosts because I want to be thefirst person in my meeting and then youcan you know you can either mute orunmute participants on it on entry theimportant thing is to make sure this ischecked so then you click scheduleso once you click schedule you're gonnahave all your meeting ID informationpopulate you're gonna have your meetinglinked so I like to copy and paste thisand I can either email it out send itout via chat and the other thing you cando is add guests via email here and youcan uh you know have them not see theguest list so you can you know inviteand send it out to whoever and theywon't know who's on the invitation sothis is really helpfulfor maintaining confidentiality so onceyou save you're gonna see that there'sthe waiting-room demo scheduled andthat's pretty much itall right I'm going to join this meetingand you could see that I am in themeeting now and as a host you'll justwait until people start popping inall right so you can see here that wehave our firstlet's see our first participant in thewaiting room we have our second personthat just popped inso basically Michael and Ryan don't knowthat they're in the waiting room theydon't see each other's names or anythingI can go ahead and admit Michael in byclicking admit hereawesome so looks like Michael has joinedin on his iPad so you could join in viayour mobile device your tablet or yourdesktop hi Michael and so the cool thingabout this is once I talked to Michaellet's say I'm a physician or an educatorI could be like Michael you need to goto the doctor you need to get out ASAPum I can I could kick him out and havehim you know have his have him go to thehospital all right so to get to kick himout of the meeting and admit the nextperson without having Michael or Ryankind of run into each other I would justclick more next to Michael's name andthen remove himokay then I'm going to go ahead andadmit Ryan inhi Ryan you are on mute but thank youfor joining you are in this kind of inthis meeting now let's call this aphysicians appointment rightawesome okay so Ryan didn't see theother patient that I had and basically Ijust transitioned them in and I can onceagain Michael Ryan you look healthy Ican kick them out and basically move onto the next next patient or nextappointmentall right so that's pretty much the zummeetings waiting room feature and if youguys have any questions feel free tolook at more resources on our supportpages but hopefully that was helpful toget you guys started