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Module 1: Zoom Rooms and Recording

    Study Reminders

    Video Breakout Rooms allow zoom users toeasily place meeting attendees intosub-meetings for group discussion, activities,projects and more. To get started, log inat and view the meetingsettings section. Click to edit advancedsettings and make sure that BreakoutRooms is checked. The next time you hosta Zoom meeting, you will see the BreakoutRooms button at the bottom of the Zoompanel. While you are sharing your screen,the button is under the “more” menu. Clickhere to start using Breakout Rooms. Zoomwill show the number of eligibleparticipants. Choose how many rooms tocreate and let Zoom assigned theparticipants automatically or choose tomanually assign for more control as we’lldemonstrate here. “Create Breakout Rooms”to proceed. Your Breakout Rooms are nowavailable and participants are still inthe main meeting. Float your mouse overthe Breakout Room to rename or deletethe room.Click to assign participants, check theirnames and click assign again. Do this foreach Breakout Room. Your participants arenow assigned. If you want to change anassignment, float your mouse over aparticipant name where you can move theparticipant to another room or exchangethe participant with someone alreadyassigned to another room. When you'reready, click to “open all rooms”. This willcause your participants to automaticallymove into their assigned Breakout Room.The list will indicate that participantshave successfully connected when thegray dot turns green.Meeting participants will be prompted tojoin Breakout Rooms where they can speakon audio, show their webcams, share screenand chat as normal.They can also ask for help to send aprompt to the meeting host. Participantscan also choose to leave the BreakoutRoom any time to be returned to the mainmeeting.Return to the Breakout Rooms list as thehost and you can choose to join any ofthe breakout rooms to offer assistance.You can broadcast a message toparticipants and a banner will bedisplayed.This is great for instructions or timingannouncements. Again, float your mouseover a participant name to move theparticipant. When you are ready,close the Breakout Rooms. Participantswill have 60 seconds to finish theirdiscussion and will be returned to themain meeting. Open the Breakout Roomsmenu again to quickly reopen the sameBreakout Rooms or to make newassignments. To learn more visit to registerfor weekly training sessions. Need help?Visit fortwenty-four seven assistance.