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Module 1: Textiles and Accessories

    Study Reminders

    Textiles and accessories add personality and interest to a space. Textiles are fabric-based and may be made up of natural fibres, synthetic fibres, or a mixture of both. Some are more durable than others and some textiles, such as those made of wool, must be dry cleaned, rather than washed in a machine. It is important to think about a textile’s properties, when choosing furnishings. For example, pure cotton blends are highly breathable, so are a popular choice for bedding, whereas wool offers a great deal of warmth and so is a popular choice for carpets. You also need to evaluate the colour and texture of fabric when making your selection, in order to keep the décor coherent. This is also a key consideration, when working with accessories. Mementos, artwork, and other additions to a room bring colour and personality to a room, but must be carefully selected in order to maintain a sense of overall balance. Plants are in a class of their own when it comes to accessories, as they require ongoing care and attention. Select varieties that fit in with your client’s lifestyle and ensure that their containers are an aesthetic match for the space. Cushions and pillows are also popular with most clients and can create effects ranging from formal and classical to fun and relaxed. Clients with children and pets will require textiles and soft furnishings that are easy to clean.