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Module 1: Skin Care

    Study Reminders

    You don’t want to sound like someone’s mother, but part of your job is to inform your clients about ways to improve their skin health. You are their expert. Tips are given in the next topic that you can slip into your conversation, over the course of your work with a client. If they seem interested, pursue on. If they seem annoyed, switch to another topic that you think they will enjoy. You will have an idea of what you can successfully talk about and what you should leave alone. People who take care of their skin will age gracefully. A baby’s skin is smooth and soft, moist and wrinkle free, because it has not been damaged. Over the years, the environment can cause the skin to become tough and dry. The skin starts to lose its elasticity and smoothness. This causes sagging and wrinkled skin. By caring for the skin, it can slow down the harmful effects from the elements. That can leave the skin healthier and more able to protect the body against disease. Not to mention that it looks better as well. To keep the skin healthy, it needs to be moisturized and cleaned. The cleansing process removes the dead skins cells, dirt, bacteria, and other things that can be harmful. The cleansing process can also dry the skin out because it also removes the oils from the skin. The oils are what retains the moisture. Therefore, moisturizers are needed to protect the skin and restore the moisture. Liquid cleansers are usually better for the skin than bar soaps because they don’t dry the skin out as much. They also usually contain moisturizers that can add moisture back to the skin and combat that drying out process. Some skin cleansers and moisturizers contain Vitamin E. That aids in the restoration of moisture and elasticity. When choosing a moisturizer, it is a good idea to choose a lighter moisturizer for the daytime and a thicker one for nighttime use. It takes much effort to take care of the skin. Therefore, moisturizers and cleansers should be used daily. The sun is one of the biggest environmental hazards for the skin. Tanning and sun exposure create a harmful radiation and it is important to protect the skin from this radiation and damage. Sunscreen can help, as long as it has an SPF of 15. Your diet will also play a role in the elasticity of the skin. This diet needs to include ample amounts of water. Water is essential for making your body function well. It cleans your pores from the inside out. It works to add moisture back into your skin. Good habits will prevent the aging of the skin and keep it looking healthy. You can’t be taken seriously when you tell your client that smoking is a way to cause wrinkles around the mouth and your hands smell of cigarette smoke. You are in the business of creating beauty and protecting youth. Therefore, you need to make sure that you follow your own advice. That means that you should try to drink a lot of water, remove your makeup every night, eat healthy, exercise, and more. When you live the life, it is so much easier to talk about it. There are things that you can do to help improve your clients skin and make sure that they are taking care of their skin, at least when they are in your care. Make recommendations. It is not a good idea to try and instruct your clients to take care of their skin. However, you can find ways to tactfully tell them how to do it. In the next topic are examples of how you can drop hints to your client about good skin health.