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Module 1: Introduction to Drug Delivery and Pharmacokinetics

    Study Reminders

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    Drug Delivery
    The appropriate administration of drugs through various routes in the body for the purpose of improving health
    Highly Interdisciplinary - Biology, Physiology, Materials, Engineering
    Takes into consideration: Drug Physico-chemical properties, Body effects and interactions, Improvement of drug effect, Patient comfort and well being
    The Magnitude of Drug Response
    Extent of Absorption
    Distribution to the site
    Rate/extent of Elimination

    Partition Coefficient -The ratio of the concentrations of the solute in two immiscible or slightly miscible liquids when it is in equilibrium across the interface between them.
    Bioavailability - The ability of a drug to be available to the body to be transported and carry out its engineered use, for example; to bind to a receptor or change the pH level of a certain region.

    Drug Distribution (Vd) = Amount of drug in body / Concentration in Plasm

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    Elimination of Drugs from the Body
    Kidney - Filtration Secretion
    Liver - Metabolism Secretion
    Lungs - Exhalation
    Others - Breast Milk, Sweat, Saliva
    Zero Order- Constant rate of elimination irrespective of plasma concentration
    First Order- Rate of elimination proportional to plasma concentration. Constant Fraction of drug elimination per unit time.
    Rate of Elimination proportional to Amount
    Rate of Elimination = K x Amount

    Quantification of Drug Safety:
    Therapeutic Index = TD50 or LD50

    ED50- Median Effective Dose 50
    TD50- Median Toxic Dose 50
    LD50- Median Lethal Dose 50

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    What are Polymers:
    Polymers are organic (carbon-based) compounds where each molecule is a long-chain of covalently linked molecular units.
    What are Monomers:
    The basic chemical unit of a polymer (the individual beads to a necklace)
    Refers to very large molecules. Polymers are generally composed of thousands of monomers, each polymer molecule is termed as macromolecules
    These are compounds having a few monomers joined together by covalent bonds (usually less than 50 repeating units)

    Types of Polymers
    Homopolymers - A-A-A-A-A-A
    Random Copolymers - A-B-A-B-B-A
    Alternating Copolymers - A-B-A-B-A-B
    Block Copolymers - A-A-A-B-B-B
    Graft Copolymers - A-A-A-A-B-B