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Your Learner Verification

This is to verify that Lea Pearl Manongdo has completed the course ISO 22000:2018 - Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS) on Alison.

Lea Pearl Manongdo

Alison ID: 19214590

Course Completed: ISO 22000:2018 - Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

Date Of Completion: 10th February 2021


Total Study Time: 2h 34m

Final Assessment Score:

Alison courses requires at least
80% to pass the final assessment

CPD Hours Completed:

CPD approved learning hours
completed through this course


Course Information

Learn about how to manage Food Safety Management Systems with this free online ISO 22000:2018 course.

This free online ISO 22000:2018 course details the latest published standard by the International Organization for Standardization on Food Safety Management Systems titled as "Requirements for Any Organization in the Food Chain". Prior to this publication, ISO 22000:2005 was used as the International standard for Food Safety Management Systems.

This course outlines the elements of Food Safety Management Systems as proposed by ISO 22000. The publication of ISO 22000 is driven from many factors including the standardization of the ISO standards itself, for example, ISO 9001( ). The course helps you understand why ISO took the initiative to revise ISO 22000 standard, what potential benefits ISO 22000 can deliver to food organizations and how a PDCA approach should be used at both the management level and operational level. The course enlightens Operation Controls for food safety as required by ISO 22000:2018. The course also covers requirements about prerequisite programs, traceability system, and emergency preparedness response. You will also learn about the management and verification of hazard control plans. The course will then outline how to monitor, measure, and resolve product and process non-conformities. The course also focuses on internal auditing ( ) and management reviews in Food Safety Management systems of ISO 22000.

This course will be of great interest for food industry professionals who want a greater understanding of the new ISO 22000:2018 standard. This course will also help assist workplace professionals looking to harness and implement the new standard. Companies can use this course as a primer or as refresher training material for professionals already working in food related organizations. This course will also be of interest to individual professionals working or wanting to work in the food industry. So, why wait? Start learning how to ensure Food Safety Management Systems maintain ISO 22000:2018 compliance today!

Modules Completed

Module 1: Fundamentals of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)
Module 2: Requirements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
Module 3: Performance Evaluation and Improvement
Module 4: Course assessment

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