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A Lei RIDDOR de 2013
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A Lei RIDDOR de 2013

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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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A Lei RIDDOR de 2013

Este curso on-line gratuito de direito trabalhista explica como a Lei RIDDOR de 2013 do Reino Unido protege a saúde e a segurança no local de trabalho.
Este curso de direito trabalhista abrange a Lei RIDDOR do Reino Unido de 2013, que regula a obrigação legal de relatar mortes, ferimentos, doenças e “ocorrências perigosas” que ocorrem no trabalho ou ... Este curso de direito trabalhista abrange a Lei RIDDOR do Reino Unido de 2013, que regula a obrigação legal de relatar mortes, ferimentos, doenças e “ocorrências perigosas” que ocorrem no trabalho ou estão relacionadas ao trabalho. Exploramos várias doenças ocupacionais e explicamos como garantir a saúde e a segurança no local de trabalho. Também examinamos os vários capítulos e cláusulas do RIDDOR que empregadores e funcionários precisam conhecer para se manterem seguros e cumprirem as leis trabalhistas.
COURSE PUBLISHER Training Facility UKTrainers in personal development.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Discuss the components of an accide...
  • Discuss the conditions under which ...
  • State the responsibility of the sta...
  • Identify the causes and treatment a...
  • Discuss the components of an accident report
  • Discuss the conditions under which cancers can be reported
  • State the responsibility of the stakeholders in providing a secure work environment
  • Identify the causes and treatment approaches of various occupational dangers
  • Identify the parties responsible for reporting specific significant workplace accidents according to RIDDOR
  • Categorise workplace accidents
  • Identify the categories of events that must be reported to the Office of Road and Rail (ORR)
  • Recall the list of injuries mentioned in rule four of RIDDOR 2013
  • Explain the most common reason for fractured fingers, forearms and hands
  • Describe the conditions that often necessitate amputation of a limb
  • Summarise the properties of RIDDOR Regulation 8
  • Explain how to create an incident/accident report
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For A Lei RIDDOR de 2013

Dr. Uqbah I. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Great course !!!
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Mohammed Alfatih Osman A. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
In my opinion it's a excellence course, very good informations. Appriciated
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Beatrice S. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
User-friendly and comprehensive course
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