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Como consertar eletrodomésticos
Beginner Level

Como consertar eletrodomésticos

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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Como consertar eletrodomésticos

Aprenda a operar, manter e reparar eletrodomésticos com segurança para economizar tempo e dinheiro neste curso on-line gratuito.
E se você pudesse ser o super-herói que aparece para salvar o dia em que os eletrodomésticos quebram em sua casa? Uma compreensão sólida de como seus eletrodomésticos funcionam pode ajudá-lo a usá-los... E se você pudesse ser o super-herói que aparece para salvar o dia em que os eletrodomésticos quebram em sua casa? Uma compreensão sólida de como seus eletrodomésticos funcionam pode ajudá-lo a usá-los, mantê-los e repará-los adequadamente. Este curso demonstra como maximizar o desempenho de eletrodomésticos comuns, como geladeiras e fogões. Explicamos como mantê-los e repará-los. Inscreva-se para saber como consertar eletrodomésticos como um profissional.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Identify the purpose, uses and clas...
  • Analyse the components of a refrige...
  • Identify the common problems facing...
  • Describe the components of an air c...
  • Identify the purpose, uses and classifications of domestic appliances
  • Analyse the components of a refrigerator and explain how they function together
  • Identify the common problems facing refrigerators and outline their solutions
  • Describe the components of an air conditioner and explain how to repair a damaged one
  • List the board types of washing machines
  • Outline the components of washing machines and discuss how to repair defective ones
  • Describe the components of a dishwasher and how to use it
  • Recognise the components of a vacuum cleaner and how they function
  • Explain how water heaters work and provide some examples
  • Summarise how televisions work and describe their components
  • Discuss how dryers and microwaves function
  • Outline the safety precautions to follow when repairing domestic appliances
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Complete This CPD Accredited Course & Get Your certificate!

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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Como consertar eletrodomésticos

Nadine Felecially G. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
This course teaches me about how to fix electronic devices and learn today about home appliances can be classified into different categories based on size, functionality, and usage. The common classification includes white goods.
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Mzamo M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
It has outlined all the Working Principles of all Domestic `appliances and it was very useful and beneficial
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Aziz M. Alison Graduate
Liked this course this course
I've learned a lot from this brief course. Thank you
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Alejandro A. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Great information, it gets you energized to pursue further into trade work.
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Jerel J. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
its was good for me
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