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Brincadeira no desenvolvimento infantil
Beginner Level

Brincadeira no desenvolvimento infantil

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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Brincadeira no desenvolvimento infantil

Aprenda como permitir que as crianças tenham mais controle sobre o tempo de brincadeira melhora o desenvolvimento infantil neste curso on-line gratuito.
Este curso de puericultura e psicologia infantil discute os princípios básicos, benefícios e impacto que o trabalho lúdico pode ter no desenvolvimento infantil. Examinamos as funções e responsabilidades... Este curso de puericultura e psicologia infantil discute os princípios básicos, benefícios e impacto que o trabalho lúdico pode ter no desenvolvimento infantil. Examinamos as funções e responsabilidades dos trabalhadores recreativos para garantir que as crianças tenham um ambiente de aprendizagem inclusivo para brincar. Apresentamos os enormes benefícios que o trabalho lúdico oferece para melhorar a saúde mental de uma criança à medida que ela aprende e adquire habilidades sociais e de comunicação.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Define ‘playwork’ and outline its h...
  • Identify the key roles, responsibil...
  • Discuss the importance of play in t...
  • Describe the role of playwork in he...
  • Define ‘playwork’ and outline its history, principles and types
  • Identify the key roles, responsibilities and skills required to be a playworker
  • Discuss the importance of play in the educational and learning journey of children
  • Describe the role of playwork in helping children improve their social skills
  • Explain how playwork improves the overall health and wellbeing of children
  • Summarise the role of playwork in the overall emotional and physical development of children
  • Define ‘play deprivation’ and identify the negative effects it can have on children
  • Discuss the importance of design and inclusivity when it comes to playing spaces
  • Describe the significance of fulfilling health and safety requirements at play areas for children
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Brincadeira no desenvolvimento infantil

Orlena M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Wish I could have all parents take this training!
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Samantha P. Alison Graduate
Liked this course this course
great course thank you
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Shannon S. Alison Graduate
Liked this course this course
It was a very convenient experience for me.
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BRANDY M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Love the ease of the course instruction
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