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Ferramentas e gerenciamento de dados do Excel para iniciantes
Beginner Level

Ferramentas e gerenciamento de dados do Excel para iniciantes

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  • 4-5 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Ferramentas e gerenciamento de dados do Excel para iniciantes

Aprenda a usar as ferramentas de gerenciamento de dados do Excel neste curso on-line gratuito e domine os estilos e atalhos de formatação.
Este tutorial do Microsoft Excel explica como usar os recursos básicos e as ferramentas de gerenciamento de dados do programa. Mostramos como criar planilhas, formatar células e aplicar vários tipos de bor... Este tutorial do Microsoft Excel explica como usar os recursos básicos e as ferramentas de gerenciamento de dados do programa. Mostramos como criar planilhas, formatar células e aplicar vários tipos de bordas antes de explorar os atalhos de teclado e mouse do Excel e as diferentes opções de cópia. Em seguida, exploramos as várias ferramentas de dados e os recursos de preenchimento de flash do programa. Inscreva-se para dominar os conceitos básicos do uso do Excel para planilhas, gerenciamento de dados e visualização.
COURSE PUBLISHER ZenvaComputer programming expert

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Explain how Excel’s spell check sys...
  • Describe how to format cells and th...
  • Discuss the way numbers behave in E...
  • Outline useful keyboard shortcuts f...
  • Explain how Excel’s spell check system
  • Describe how to format cells and the use of multiple styles of border
  • Discuss the way numbers behave in Excel and how to change that behaviour
  • Outline useful keyboard shortcuts for editing data in Excel
  • Summarise how to group multiple worksheets in Excel 
  • Outline how to make navigation easier by using mouse and keyboard shortcuts
  • Explain how to use data validation rules to prevent the inclusion of bad data
  • Outline the features of custom data validation errors and alerts
  • Describe how to separate text in a column and remove duplicates
  • Explain how to split data of a fixed width
  • Summarise the features of ‘flash fill’ in Excel data
  • Discuss how to use ‘goal seek’ for simple what-if analysis
  • Outline different data types and data tables for multiple input data
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Ferramentas e gerenciamento de dados do Excel para iniciantes

Evans Ikechi E. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Great Lesson
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Zainuddin Wong B. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
this beginner's Excel course is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to gain essential skills in Microsoft Excel
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Oluwakorode A. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
great training at good pace
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Hussien Mahmoud H. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
It was a really great experience , I recommend it I learned a lot of stuff
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Ana G. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
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