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Diplomado en Transporte Urbano y Sostenibilidad
Advanced Level

Diplomado en Transporte Urbano y Sostenibilidad

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  • 10-15 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Diplomado en Transporte Urbano y Sostenibilidad

Aprenda a implementar estrategias sostenibles para una solución moderna de transporte urbano en este curso en línea gratuito.
¿Cuáles son los factores que impulsan la tendencia al desarrollo orientado al tránsito (TOD) en la planificación urbana? TOD busca maximizar la cantidad de espacios comerciales, residenciales, de ocio y c... ¿Cuáles son los factores que impulsan la tendencia al desarrollo orientado al tránsito (TOD) en la planificación urbana? TOD busca maximizar la cantidad de espacios comerciales, residenciales, de ocio y comerciales a poca distancia de los centros de transporte público de las zonas urbanas. En este curso en línea gratuito, aprenderá sobre la nueva disciplina de la TOD, los avances en los sistemas de transporte multimodal y la necesidad de sostenibilidad en el desarrollo urbano.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Outline the concept of travel deman...
  • Explain the various push-and-pull m...
  • Discuss the evolving trends of tran...
  • Explain the process of achieving su...
  • Outline the concept of travel demand management (TDM)
  • Explain the various push-and-pull measures of TDM
  • Discuss the evolving trends of transit-oriented development (TOD)
  • Explain the process of achieving sustainable transportation through ITS
  • Summarize the role of traffic management centres
  • Describe the architecture of electronic toll collection
  • Outline the planning concepts of a multimodal transport system (MMTS)
  • Explain the significance of MMTS in contributing to sustainable transportation
  • Summarize the design process of various multimodal transfer facilities
  • Outline the various elements of pedestrian safety and security
  • Identify the various predictive methods for addressing pedestrian and bicycle conflicts
  • Discuss the process of implementing sustainable strategies in the transportation sector
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Diplomado en Transporte Urbano y Sostenibilidad

Abdul Majeed I. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
It was great.
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Dushiant R. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Step by step full course in very simplified way....thank you...!!
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Lalhma C. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
I love this course
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Christopher A. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
I enjoyed studying for this course. Well presented and explained, with international scenarios, which broaden the learning experience. My thanks to all the team. Chris Agius
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