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Diploma en Tecnología de Comunicación por Fibra Óptica
Advanced Level

Diploma en Tecnología de Comunicación por Fibra Óptica

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  • 10-15 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Diploma en Tecnología de Comunicación por Fibra Óptica

Aprenda sobre la tecnología de fibra óptica y por qué es la columna vertebral de todos los sistemas de comunicación en este curso en línea gratuito.
La tecnología de comunicación por fibra óptica es un área de estudio importante que analiza la necesidad de fibras ópticas. La utilizan las empresas de telecomunicaciones para transmitir señales de tel�... La tecnología de comunicación por fibra óptica es un área de estudio importante que analiza la necesidad de fibras ópticas. La utilizan las empresas de telecomunicaciones para transmitir señales de teléfono, cable e Internet, y en industrias como la profesión médica y la defensa, debido a su gran ancho de banda. Si desea estar a la vanguardia de la tecnología de vanguardia, comience hoy mismo a obtener más información sobre esta forma de comunicación.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Explain the need for optical commun...
  • Describe the advantages and limitat...
  • Identify the types of optical trans...
  • State the properties of the fibre c...
  • Explain the need for optical communication
  • Describe the advantages and limitations of optical communication
  • Identify the types of optical transmitters, their properties and the modulation schemes
  • State the properties of the fibre channel
  • Identify the receivers and the sources of noise in the demodulation schemes
  • Explain the different multiplexing schemes
  • Evaluate the trade-offs of a point-to-point link
  • Indicate the network topologies for optical communication
  • Discuss passive optical networks 
  • Recall the performance metrics of a passive optical link 
  • Summarise the benefits and disadvantages of using a particular multiplexing scheme
  • Distinguish between fibre-to-the-home link, core network and metro network
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Ever spared a thought for the engineering marvel behind the ease with which we communicate with each other via our computers or television screens? Fibre Optic Engineers harness the immense potential

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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Diploma en Tecnología de Comunicación por Fibra Óptica

Mpumelelo Mthunzi M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
extensive knowledge of fiber optics and deep understanding of how it affects us on an everyday basis.
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Stanford B. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
though it was tough but i managed it do it
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Muhammad K. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Overall, the course is exceptionally well-structured. This diploma is an excellent investment for anyone looking to enhance their skills in fiber optic communication. Thank you, Alison, for providing such high-quality education.
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Arun G. Alison Graduate
Liked this course this course
Very goor classes
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Abdoulie G. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
it wasn't easy but with determination and dedication everything is possible.
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