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Écrire pour les jeunes lecteurs
Beginner Level

Écrire pour les jeunes lecteurs

25,170Learners already enrolled
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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Écrire pour les jeunes lecteurs

Apprenez à écrire et à publier des histoires en utilisant un personnage, une intrigue, un décor et un thème grâce à ce cours d'écriture en ligne gratuit.
Ce cours d'écriture en ligne gratuit est conçu pour enseigner aux nouveaux écrivains et aux aspirants écrivains comment écrire pour les jeunes lecteurs, et offre une base solide non seulement en écritur... Ce cours d'écriture en ligne gratuit est conçu pour enseigner aux nouveaux écrivains et aux aspirants écrivains comment écrire pour les jeunes lecteurs, et offre une base solide non seulement en écriture, mais aussi en édition et en publication. Il comprend un entretien avec Uma Krishnaswami, auteure de livres d'images et de romans pour enfants, et Apirana Taylor, poète, romancière et conteuse. Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez les structures, les formes et les genres d'écriture, la relecture et plus encore !
COURSE PUBLISHER Commonwealth Education TrustTeacher-created upskilling for tutors

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Explain about structural elements, ...
  • Describe the copyediting and proofr...
  • Explain the different publishing me...
  • Outline effective writing habits an...
  • Explain about structural elements, such as character and setting, that are key to holding your writing together
  • Describe the copyediting and proofreading stage, where you focus on perfecting grammar and spelling
  • Explain the different publishing methods available, from traditional print publishing to digital publishing
  • Outline effective writing habits and use your own experiences and culture to enrich your writing
  • Describe your audience - who your readers are and how you can make your work appealing to your chosen audience
  • Describe structural editing, where you look at your works, plot, structure, and themes
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Author Author
Orson Scott nailed it! “Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. Most people don't see any. The good Authors are the ones who see five or six of them,” and bring them to life as works of

  • Average Salary Flag$41,086
  • Traits investigative artistic
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Copy Editor Copy Editor
To tinker with a broken string of phrases and piece them together until they hum a collective rhythm and exude contentment is the craft of Copy Editors. If a writer begins the race, a Copy Editor ensu

  • Average Salary Flag$38,543
  • Traits realistic artistic
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Complete This CPD Accredited Course & Get Your certificate!

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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Écrire pour les jeunes lecteurs

Nadine Feleciam G. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
Thank for more knowledge and understanding in writing young people story books, I wrote book before and now writing my life story from Jamaica to United Kingdom and Africa
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Catherine M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
I really enjoyed the learning journey throughout the course and I am looking forward to testing out my new skill set
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Kenny G. Alison Graduate
One of the best experiences in life is to learn in this site!!! I enjoyed a lot...
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Andrea M. Alison Graduate
I really enjoyed this course! It was very informative, and I gained a lot from it. I'm ready to take my writing to the next level. Thank you so much Alison! : )
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S N Lakdinithi S. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
I really enjoyed it.
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Commonwealth Education Trust's Alison Stats

108,171 Learners6 Courses450 Learners Benefited From Their Courses