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Seguridad con Arc Flash: una guía práctica
Intermediate Level

Seguridad con Arc Flash: una guía práctica

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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Seguridad con Arc Flash: una guía práctica

Aprenda a identificar las características de los destellos de arco eléctrico y a prevenir incidentes peligrosos en este curso en línea gratuito.
Este curso completo le brinda una comprensión integral de la seguridad de los arcos eléctricos, incluidos los peligros potenciales asociados con los relámpagos, sus diversas causas y las estrategias más e... Este curso completo le brinda una comprensión integral de la seguridad de los arcos eléctricos, incluidos los peligros potenciales asociados con los relámpagos, sus diversas causas y las estrategias más eficaces para prevenirlos. También adquirirás valiosos conocimientos sobre la selección y el uso adecuados del equipo de protección individual cuando trabajes en sistemas eléctricos con corriente, lo que garantizará tu seguridad en todo momento.
COURSE PUBLISHER Otto WisdomOtto Wisdom an Electrical Engineer

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Outline the meaning of arc flash, a...
  • List and discuss the heat intensity...
  • Describe the effects of arc flash i...
  • Explain the measures to prevent and...
  • Outline the meaning of arc flash, arc blast and electric arc
  • List and discuss the heat intensity and impact of pressure waves during an arc flash incident
  • Describe the effects of arc flash incidents on humans and the surrounding equipment and assets
  • Explain the measures to prevent and reduce occurrences of arc flash incidents
  • List the 4P model for arc flash hazard management and provide examples of protective controls against arc flashes
  • Explain the recovery measures for arc flash incident protection
  • Identify ways to handle arc flash by following safe practices and procedures
  • Outline the conditions that can Increase the risk of exposure to arc flashes
  • Identify the main causes of arc flashes and explain the various conditions that lead to an incident
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Learner Reviews & Feedback For Seguridad con Arc Flash: una guía práctica

George B. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
awesome company
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Abhishek T. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
It's good for everyone especially those who are working in electrical maintenance job and also them who are doing safety audits.
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Manoa Masi Ravutia T. Alison Graduate
Liked this course this course
I really liked the course and the quizzes were useful for testing understanding. Thank you
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Abhimanyu M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
good training
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Chikwanda M. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
its of great benefit to my field
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Otto Wisdom is from Port Harcourt City in Rivers State, Nigeria. He studied electrical engineering and started his career as an electrical engine...Read More