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Alison Course: Diploma in Mental Health Studies

It is estimated that one in four adults experience some form of mental health problems during his or her lifetime. Therefore, mental health is an increasingly important aspect of health provision in health systems around the world.

Alison Course: Diploma in Mental Health Studies

Alison Course: Diploma in Mental Health Studies

It is estimated that one in four adults experience some form of mental health problems during his or her lifetime. Therefore, mental health is an increasingly important aspect of health provision in health systems around the world.

Free Online Courses, Classes and TutorialsPublisher: Alison Editor

September 15th 2017: Alison free online course - Diploma in Mental Health Studies

It is estimated that one in four adults experience some form of mental health problems during his or her lifetime. Therefore, mental health is an increasingly important aspect of health provision in health systems around the world.


Anxiety, depression and severe mental problems affect not only the individuals concerned but also their families and friends. It is therefore important to understand mental distress and the ways it can be treated.


Alison's free Diploma in Mental Health Studies course helps learners understand mental health and mental illness, as well as mental health practice and care in the community. It tackles the issues of stigma and discrimination, explains why the promotion of mental well-being is important and gives a history of institutions and segregation. The course also reviews suicide and preventative treatment measures, how to manage violent patients, and it outlines the complex area of substance abuse.


This free online course will be of great interest to professionals in social and health professions, to anyone who has personal experience of mental health problems, or anyone with a general interest in this area.


Eric Corbett, Head of Content on Alison said:, “The Diploma in Mental Health Studies will be of great value to anyone with a personal or professional interest in the area of mental health.”

You can see the course here.