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Come parlare in modo efficace
Intermediate Level

Come parlare in modo efficace

6,287Learners already enrolled
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  • 1.5-3 Avg Hours
  • CPD Accredited
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Come parlare in modo efficace

Impara a provare, presentare e parlare con sicurezza in qualsiasi ambiente seguendo questo corso online gratuito.
Hai intenzione di ospitare un podcast, creare video su YouTube, apparire come ospite in un programma radiofonico o tenere una conferenza stampa? Studiando questo corso, imparerai come ottimizzare la tua voce ... Hai intenzione di ospitare un podcast, creare video su YouTube, apparire come ospite in un programma radiofonico o tenere una conferenza stampa? Studiando questo corso, imparerai come ottimizzare la tua voce per parlare sempre con sicurezza ed efficacia. Ti introdurremo e ti guideremo attraverso le basi di una corretta pianificazione e forniremo preziosi suggerimenti che assicureranno al tuo pubblico un'esperienza di ascolto fantastica ogni volta che parlerai.
COURSE PUBLISHER TJ WalkerPersonal development mentor

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Discuss why proper planning is esse...
  • Recognize the need for immediate ac...
  • Discuss the importance of radio as ...
  • Explain how to plan and host your o...
  • Discuss why proper planning is essential before every speech
  • Recognize the need for immediate action when starting a media project
  • Discuss the importance of radio as a medium of communication and how you can be a great radio guest
  • Explain how to plan and host your own podcast
  • Describe how you can use press conferences to deliver important messages successfully
  • Recognize the uniqueness of each person's voice and how to put it to optimal use
  • Summarize the techniques for speaking effectively on your own YouTube channel
  • Recall why videos must be as brief as possible
  • Explain the importance of repeated practice and rehearsals to every kind of media speech
  • Discuss what it means to speak in sound bites 
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Podcaster Podcaster
Podcasting is a powerful medium that allows individuals otherwise ignored by mainstream media to share their stories, build a community, and have a remarkable positive impact on the world. No wonder,

  • Average Salary Flag$59,246
  • Traits artistic
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Complete This CPD Accredited Course & Get Your certificate!

  • Certify Your Skills
    A CPD accredited Alison Diploma/Certificate certifies the skills you’ve learned
  • Stand Out From The Crowd
    Add your Alison Certification to your resumé and stay ahead of the competition
  • Advance in Your Career
    Share your Alison Certification with potential employers to show off your skills and capabilities

Learner Reviews & Feedback For Come parlare in modo efficace

Aurora P. Alison Graduate
loved this course this course
I appreciate the information for getting used to recording yourself and hearing your voice! These videos are very motivating.
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Aranza M. Alison Graduate
Liked this course this course
nice course
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