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Teach a Man to Fish

Alison is a free vocational training to the world, CEO Mike Feerick believes it can reach a billion students before the end of the decade.

Teach a Man to Fish

Teach a Man to Fish

Alison is a free vocational training to the world, CEO Mike Feerick believes it can reach a billion students before the end of the decade.

Free Online Courses, Classes and TutorialsPublisher: Alison Editor

With a staff of 30, most with Masters or PhD qualifications, Galway-based ALISON is making huge waves in a niche sector of education, which itself is causing more than a ripple worldwide. Founded by Mike Feerick in 2007, ALISON (Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online) is part of the Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOC, movement. But unlike others in the space, such as Coursera and edX, ALISON’s free courses are vocational rather than more.