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Topic - Types of Manufacturing

Types of Manufacturing


Manufacturing is the process of making goods or services by hand or by machine using raw materials or assembling parts into finished goods to sell to customers. Types of manufacturing vary from clothing and textiles, petroleum and chemicals, electronics and transportation, food production and more.

There are three types of manufacturing production:

Make-To-Stock (MTS) – A factory produces foods to stock stores and showrooms. The manufacturer predicts the market for their foods and plans how much stock to make in advance.

Make-To-Order (MTO) – The producer waits for orders before manufacturing stock. The owner does not need to predict how much stock to make but needs constant orders from customers to keep the factory in production.

Make-To-Assemble (MTA) – The factory produces component parts in anticipation of orders for assembly. However, if the orders do not come, the producer will have a stock of unwanted parts.

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