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Alison Pledges Support For Human Rights

Alison Pledges Support For Human Rights

Alison Pledges Support For Human Rights

Alison Pledges Support For Human Rights

Alison Pledges Support For Human Rights

Free Online Courses, Classes and TutorialsPublisher: Alison Editor, one of the largest free online learning platforms, reaffirms its strong commitment to human rights globally. Seven of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals make the foundations of the business. Alison fully endorses and supports the ‘Recover Better’ theme for Human Rights Day and Human Rights Month 2020 – with the organisation calling for education to be front-of-mind in the global recovery.


Human Rights Day is observed every year on December 10th and marks the anniversary of the 1946 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Alison’s core values are firmly positioned behind this act; it’s guiding light is Article 26 of the Declaration of Human Rights; that “Education shall be free…”.


Alison's mission is fully aligned with the United Nations’ SDGs, and in response to Human Rights Day 2020, the online learning platform is showcasing a light on its guiding principles. Alison is pledging to support seven of the 17 sustainable development goals, focusing on the goals that free education can make a direct impact upon.


SDG 1: No Poverty. A lack of education is one of the core pillars of global poverty, by providing free access to basic education and workplace training skills, Alison removes all financial and physical infrastructure barriers to career training.


SDG 4: Quality Education. Alison’s free courses remove financial and locational barriers to provide quality education to all, allowing anybody around the world to access high-quality educational resources.


SDG 5: Gender Equality. The provision of free online education can make a significant dent in worldwide gender inequality. By enabling women to study wherever and whenever they want, Alison opens the doors to educational opportunities that are often closed off to women.


SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Alison delivers free education that focuses explicitly on workplace skills. Alison provides the path to meaningful employment for millions.


SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure can be the pillars that entire communities stand on. The ground beneath these pillars depends on access to education and a belief in the future.


SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. By providing free online learning to the world, Alison breaks down the barriers that currently keep so many people cut off from the knowledge that is available to everyone else.


SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Human mobility is vital for maintaining sustainability and combatting urban overcrowding. Mobility depends on access to information and education. These fundamental tools are exactly what Alison provides on its platform.


Mike Feerick, CEO and Founder of Alison comments: “We are standing strongly behind the theme of Human Rights Day 2020; Rebuild Better. Alison’s mission directly aligns with Article 26 of the Declaration of Human Rights that “education shall be free…”. We believe that through the provision of free learning to those who were hit hardest by the pandemic that we can assist the world in building back stronger than ever, providing the knowledge and workplace skills that people need to become employed again and to fuel the global recovery.”


The online learning platform was recently nominated for a prestigious World Summit Award 2020, a United Nations global award initiative, selecting and promoting outstanding digital innovations that deliver positive impacts to society.


Alison has also recently announced its commitment to the Catalyst 2030 initiative which aims to bring enterprise organisations together to coordinate action, facilitate systems change and optimise funding – so that the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals can be delivered worldwide by 2030.


This news further reinforces Alison’s commitment to supporting change-for-good through free education and learning for everyone, everywhere. has +18 million active learners and has amassed over three million graduates from its +2000 courses.




Social media links

Facebook: @AlisonCourses

Instagram: @alisoncourses

Twitter: @AlisonCourses

LinkedIn: @Alison

Hashtag: #EmpowerYourself


Further Information

For further information please contact the Alison PR Team via email at [email protected].