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What benefit does an Alison API integration offer my business?

    Alison platform provides opportunities to your employees to improve their knowledge and skills, to learn new fields. This increases employee loyalty, productivity and quality of work. Return per employee in the company grows. It is an opportunity for the company to define employees motivated for growth. The company sees the time and effort that the employee has put in and the results that he achieved in each course. Our psychometric test can show the strengths and weaknesses of the employee and help develop a plan for his professional growth.


    Alison API offers an integration between Alison platform and your organisation’s Learning Management System (LMS), website or intranet. Our API seamlessly integrates the Alison website to your organisation's website, so there is no need to sign on twice to study one of our many free courses.


    API provides Daily/Weekly/Monthly reports on all learning activity generated by the traffic you send to Alison. Including, but not limited to:


    • Number of Registrations

    • Number of Enrollments

    • Number of Course Completions

    • Number of Successful Graduates

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