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Ciao. Come possiamo aiutarti?


    Benvenuti nell'Help Center di Alison; dove tutte le tue domande più frequenti vengono esaudita.

    Prima di contattarci, utilizzare la ricerca (sopra) o sfogliare le nostre categorie (a sinistra) per cercare di trovare la tua risposta.

How do I invite new learners to Alison as an Affiliate?

    The more learners you bring in, the more money you earn. 


    Generate Your Unique Link

    Go to any page on the Alison website that you would like to share, whether it’s for a specific course or a tool like the Workplace Personality Assessment or the Resumé Builder.

    Generate an Affiliate Link by clicking the dollar ($) symbol on the top right of your page which you can share with others via social media, email, and blogs.


    Promote the Link

    At Alison, we have developed an Affiliate marketing toolkit which is packed with downloadable resources and marketing tips to exceed as an Affiliate. You can check it out here. Your Affiliate Dashboard also provides you with insights on the most popular links to share with your audience. 

    Remind your friends to register on Alison through your unique link, so that you can start earning. 



    Manage Progress

    Manage your progress on your Affiliate Dashboard.


    Enroll in our popular Affiliate Marketing Course and get a step-by-step guide to help you start making money online.

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