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What is the Card Verification Code (CVC)?

    The Card Verification Code, or CVC*, is an extra code printed on your debit or credit card. With most cards (Visa, MasterCard, bank cards, etc.) it's the last three digits printed on the back of your card, in the signature strip. On American Express (AMEX) cards, it is usually a four-digit code on the front.

    As the CVC is not embossed (unlike the card number), it is not printed on any receipts and therefore unlikely to be known by anyone other than the card owner. When you enter your credit card details to make a purchase with us, we ask you to fill out the CVC for security reasons. All information you submit is transferred over secure SSL connections.


    * The name of this code differs between card companies. You may also know it as the Card Verification Value (CVV), the Card Security Code or the Personal Security Code.

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