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    The key points from this module are:

    Henry Fayol, developed 14 principles of management based on his management experiences. They are:
    Division of work
    Authority and responsibility
    Unity of command
    Unity of direction
    Subordination of individual interest to general interest
    Remuneration of personnel
    Scalar Chain
    Stability of tenure personnel
    Esprit De Corps

    In addition to the general principles of management there are some guiding principles followed at various stages:
    Principles of planning
    Principles of organizing
    Principle of Staffing
    Principle of coordination
    Principle of directing

    Scientific management is a classical approach that emphasizes the scientific study of work methods to improve efficiency of workers.

    The general components of scientific management are :
    Determining the best way to do each job
    Selecting the “ first class men” to do each job
    Paying per piece
    Duties of management
    Principles of scientific management emphasized five important issues:
    Emphasize organized knowledge rather than rely on rule of thumb
    Obtain harmony in group action
    Achieve cooperation
    Work for maximum output rather than restricted output
    Develop the potential of the workers both for their self development and organizational prosperity.

    There are six scientific management techniques , these are:
    Functional Foreman techniques
    Techniques of standardization of work
    Techniques of simplification of work
    Conducting scientific study on work
    Differential wage/piece rate
    Mental revolution

    Management Thoughts are mainly concerned with increasing the efficiency of workers and organizations.

    There are three evolution approaches:
    Classical approach- This relates to scientific , administrative and bureaucratic management.
    Behavioural approach- This relates to group influences, need theory of X and Y and Hawthorne studies.
    Modern Approach- This relates to system, contingencies and quality management.