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    Turning Process
    In the turning process we have two things one is Generatrix, another one is a Directrix.
    Generatrix: Rotary motion that generates the surface
    Directrix: The direction in which the feed given
    Single Point Cutting Tool
    Two important phases of the tool are
    Rake Face
    Flank Face
    Overview of Tool Geometry
    Tool overview consists of
    Tool Shank
    Tool Angles
    Axis (Reference Axis)
    Cutting Edge Angles and Nose Radius
    Cutting Edge Angles are solely determined by the nose radius of the tool
    There are two cutting edge angles: Side Cutting Edge Angles and End Cutting Edge Angles
    Nose Radius improves the: Tool life, Surface Finish and Conductivity
    Types of Reference Systems
    ASA System / American System
    Orthogonal Rake System (ORS) / Continental System
    Normal Rake System (NRS) / International System
    Maximum Rake System (MRS)
    Forces in Orthogonal Metal Cutting
    Forces act in three locations
    Shearing Zone (Fs, Fn )
    Chip Tool Interface (F, N)
    Forces on Cutting Tool by Workpiece (Fc, Ft )
    Force Components in Metal Cutting
    There are three force components in metal cutting:
    Cutting Force (Fc ): Acts in tangential direction which is also called as a power component.
    Thrust Force (Ft ): Acts in the direction of feed (Axial direction)
    Radial Force (Fr ): Acts in the radical direction
    Need for Force Relationships
    To calculate co-efficient of friction
    To calculate the normal stress
    To calculate the shear stress
    Ernst-Merchant Theory
    Shearing action takes place in the direction in which the required shear energy is minimum. So, derivative of shearing energy along the shearing direction is zero.