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Module 1: Fundamental SQL Principles

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    In the last lecture, we started looking at SQL, so SQL is going to be a very important componentfor you. So we are going to touch upon the fundamental ideas and some of the fundamental ideasbehind SQL. And in the last lecture we looked at how a relation scheme can be defined using constructs thatare available in SQL. So in this lecture we will focus on the one of the most important aspects ofSQL, which is query, querying for information. Now with this introduction of this you are nowlooking at the third way of expressing relational queries we have started we looked at relationalalgebra is one way of expressing queries then tuple relational calculus now we are going to seeSQL and you can see that they the influence of tuple relational calculus exists on SQL.Both tuple relational calculus and the query expression in SQL are thought of as the declarativeways of specifying queries whereas the relational algebra way of specifying queries is moreprocedural okay. So with that little introduction let us get started with looking at what is how wecan express queries in SQL. So the basic query syntax is probably familiar to you by nowbecause you some of you would have seen this clausal structure of queries in SQL earlier.So it has a select clause a from clause a where clause and a few other clauses we will see later sothis is the basic query syntax. So select keyword followed by a bunch of attribute names for themoment we will assume that no attribute name no attribute name appears in more than onerelational scheme okay. All the relational schemes that we are talking about or in the databasehave distinct attribute names.No attribute name appears in more than one relation we will just make a simplifying assumptionwe will later relax that assumption it is not a important assumption we will make relax it for themoment we will make such an assumption so here a bunch of attributes a set of attributes fromthese relations R1 through RP that are required in the output okay and then the from clause iswhere we specify R1 through RP the set of tables that contain the relevant tuples to answer thequery okay and then the most important thing is the where condition.So the where condition theta is a Boolean predicate that specifies as to when a combined tuple ofall these R1 through RP okay a combined tuple. We will see exactly how the combination worksout a combined tuple or R1 through RP contributes to the output. So if it satisfies this predicatethen it contributes to the output. So what is the condition Boolean predicate that has to besatisfied by the combined the tuple of R1 through RP so that its at this it can contribute to theoutput.Now you can see that this because of this assumption that we made that all the really no 2relations have any common attribute name okay attribute name when you talk about a combinedtuple you can think of tuple from R1 and followed by concatenated by values from a tuple fromR2 concatenated by a tuple from R3 so etc. You can so that is what is combined tuple is andthere is no issue in combining them because all these relations have disjoint attribute namesokay.So such a combination we are looking at and then it satisfies the condition to be so what is thecondition it should satisfy we will specify here and now under this assumption that each attributeappears exactly once in the table this entire query is actually equivalent to the followingrelational algebra expression.So you can imagine that we have R1 cross R2 cross RP main cross product of all relations thatare mentioned such that and then you select tuples from that combination that satisfy this wearcondition and project A1 through Am that is the. So it is logically equivalent to this relationalalgebra expression and with that with this equivalence written down I think it kind of becomesvery clear as to what the select from where query achieves. So but we will see it in elaborationnow how exactly what is the interpretation now what is the meaning of this basic query block. So the cross product M of the tables in the from class would be considered and so in that this thislet us call this cross product as M. So tuples in this M that satisfy the condition data or selectedokay and then from these selector tuples we choose the attributes A1 through Am we pick up thevalues of the attributes A1 through Am and mention them so and in some sense project them togenerate the output.So the output will have as many rows as there are combined tuples that satisfy the condition thetaokay and this schema would be schema, or the output is essentially decided by the attributesmentioned in the select clause of SQL these projected attributes. So in some sense this is aconceptual description this is how we can think of it as being produced the output beingproduced.Of course in practice it is very inefficient to construct the cross-product of all the tables that arementioned in the from class so you would not actually do it that way, but we will find someefficient ways of you know considering the combinations without actually producing thosecombinations okay. So that we will see when we come to the stage of query evaluation andthings like that.Now of course it will be very clear that the word select in SQL should not be confused with theselect operator of relational algebra it is exactly I mean it is serving a completely differentpurpose here in fact it serves more in the purpose of a projection actually. So that is the meaningof a basic query block. So you can observe the similarities between this and what we had done inthe tuple relational calculus.In the tuple relational calculus situation also we had considered all possible tuple assignments tothe free variables in the tuple that expression right and then in that combination if some of thecombinations have satisfied the condition that is there on the right hand side of the vertical barthen that combination produce the output and what is the output? Output is indicated by theattributes that are present on the left-hand side of the vertical bar right.So in a very similar to what we have been doing in tuple relation calculus we execute mean wecan imagine this SQL queries being executed okay now let us start looking at various otherissues. First of all let us see what is the result. So the result of any SQL query is a table with selectclause attributes as the column names and duplicate rows may be present in the result of SQLquery this in some sense differs from the definition of a relation because in the relation, we neverallowed duplicate rows to be present because we defined relations as sets of tuples earlier. Thisissue of having duplicate rows is important and first thing is in case you do not want duplicaterows SQL gives you a way of specifying that okay.So duplicate rows can actually be eliminated from the output by specifying what is called akeyword called distinct in the select clause. So if you include the keyword select keyworddistinct in the select clause select distinct name etc. If you write it like that then duplicates wouldbe removed. Now there is a reason for doing you know keeping the duplicates and by default inthe result.Mainly you will require duplicate rows duplicate you know tuples to be present especially whenyou are applying some aggregate functions over the result of these generated results okay overthese computed set of tuples if you want to apply some aggregation function like for examplecomputing the sum of all the salary values or average of all the age values or things like that ifyou want to do some computation then you should not be doing it on distinct values in the outputyou should consider all the values that are present in the instance and then do that.So these are essential for computing aggregate functions and so the default start strategy that isthat is adopted by SQL is to give you the duplicate rows. So in that sense the tables that SQLproduces as into our results or intermediate results are not really relations and that is why wesometimes reserve the word table when we are talking about results of SQL then relation.And removing duplicates is also a little bit of a costly operation because you one in order toremove duplicate tuples you can imagine that you have to sort those tuples and then find outwhere the duplicates are and then you know remove one copy of them right so it cost some effortso the idea is to put the traditional effort only when it is necessary and is requested by the enduser okay so that is the output SQL query result. So now we will start looking at lots of examples and then to illustrate various points about so thisschema is the same scheme as we have been using so please keep it handy for you so that we canstart looking at simple looking at various features of SQL through examples actually SQL queryin portion okay. So let us look at probably this is the same kind of query that we started off with when we werelooking at relational algebra tuple relational calculus get the roll number name of all girl studentsin the department number 5. This involves a single table all that you need is student in thatstudent the attributes the gender attribute and the department number attribute have to berestricted and then you can get hold of the roll numbers.So the way you write it is essentially select roll number name because that is what is required askfor where does the information come from it obviously comes from the student table. Nowcomes this where clause so the tuples should satisfy this condition in order to produce output inorder to be used for producing output. So what is the condition it should be the gender should beF because we are looking for women students and students should be in the department number 5so it is very simple.It is also very simple so you can this information also comes from 1 relation which is theprofessor relation, so we are restrict putting conditional such that the professor is CS departmentand has joined after. So we have a joint date join year as an attribute so we can use them soessentially attribute names and comparison operators with appropriate constants or other attributenames that is how the basic conditions are to be formulated in these predicate I said there is aBoolean predicate right.So the Boolean predicate is essentially constructed as we did it in tuple relational calculus butlittle bit some a few restrictions are there in the sense that we cannot use universal qualification.So as we see more and more examples you will realize as to how what are the various kind ofconstructs that are allowed in the Boolean predicate. Okay so this is easy select employee IDname phone that is what is asked for from professor where department number equals 3 and startyear is joined after 1999 okay. Now here is another query where a lot of points need to be illustrated so we have put lots ofboxes around so let us read the query let roll number name of students in the CSE department,department over 3 along with their advisors name and phone number for some reason okay wewant to get this information. So where is this information student information is there in thestudent and then professor information because we want advisors or professors, so we want nameof the professors and phone numbers.So now you will see that the student relation now here we are relaxing the assumption that wemade earlier that the relations do not have common attributes right. We will henceforth assumethat they may have common attributes and we will handle them and the way we handle them isactually by using the our familiar dot notation okay.So in order to use the dot notation we need something before the dot what is that yes, weintroduce what is called in the from clause its possible for us to not only just mention the relationname but we can give an alias for that a name for that. So in case you are you know you areusing students say 2 times for some reason student as s1 and student as s2 because you want todo some comparison among students.So you definitely have to you know distinguish between the 2 users of the same relation okay sothat is when you will definitely need table aliases and if table if 2 relations share attributes sharethe same attribute name then also in order to disambiguate as to which attribute whose attributeare you talking about you will need table aliases. So these s and f are called table aliases.So student as s professor as f and now we need roll number, roll number does not need to be youknow s dot roll number you do not have to mention because only students have roll numbers thens dot name to pick up the name of the student f dot name to pick up the faculty's name and weare also doing renaming of attributes here in the select clause itself its possible for us to dorenaming using the word as and giving a new name here and then phone as advisor phone so thatyou know in the output it is clear that it is advisor phone or the students phone.So we are doing in the Select Clause roll number s dot name f dot name has advised the namephone as advisor phone and then in the from class we introduced this table aliases. So tablealiases are required if the attribute name appears in more than one table also when same relationappears twice in the from clause. For example you want to compare for some reason you want todo comparison of tuples of the same relation right in 2 different rows.For example when you are trying to compute prerequisites of a course or something like that thenyou will need to use the course as a course playing the course playing the role of a course andplaying the role of a prerequisite all right. So it is appropriate to introduce table aliases for thatnow what is the appropriate condition here that the combination of student and professors shouldsatisfy.First thing is we want the student to be in CSE department so s dot department number equals 3the other one is these combination of the student and the professor should be such that, thatprofessor is the adviser of the student we do not want random combinations right. So that is howdo we enforce that you just simply enforce the same by s dot advisor is f dot employee okay.Now notice one thing here that I am very careful not to use the word join condition here unlessyou know.So you can say that the combination has to satisfy this condition we do not care whether it is ajoin condition or a selection condition or whatever condition it is all part of this the conditionsthat it should satisfy the conjunction, so conjunction is there. Okay so this is where it you knowin some sense, we are not telling that okay you compute the join of s and f with this joincondition and then do something etc. Right as we used to do in relational algebra.But instead what we are doing here is that consider the combination of these students andprofessor tuples and then ensure that this condition is satisfied by the combination and then use itfor generating the clause. So that is the essential difference between procedural way ofexpressing queries and declarative way of expressing queries okay. So I suppose all these pointsare clear about from this slide as to what we are doing here we talked about renaming attributesusing the as keyword and the same as keyword is also used for introducing table names or tablealiases alternate names for the same tables and then the conditions okay. o let us go ahead and look at another query this is simple get the names and employee IDs of 4numbers of professors here who joined before 1995 I think similar only thing was earlier, wesaid we gave the department number for the CSE. Now we are saying just CSE Department isthere so the information is available in professor as well as department tables why do you needdepartment table that is because name of the department does not exist in professor table and wehave to act as though we do not know the number of CSE Department right.So we do not know this number a department ID of CSE Department put it as condition here sohere professor as f department as d .The combination of professor and department is meaningfulif the department number of the professor is same as the department ID of the department tuplethen then we are considering the appropriate combination of professor and department and thenwe are putting condition saying that the department should be computer science department andthe professor must have started his surveys before 1995 is that clear.Now you may say that probably we do not need the table aliases here because I think the can youplease check whether the department and professor have any common attributes phone is theircommon name and phone are common okay, so you do need okay. So now a somewhat unique feature of SQL is that it allows you to kind of introduce sub queriesas part of 1 query you can start using a you know to express a complex kind of a condition youmay sometimes want to you know break it down and specify the one part of the condition byanother SQL query and then somehow make use of the results of that SQL query in the outerSQL or outer query block.So while leading with some strong kind of complex queries its sometimes beneficial to specifypart of the computation as a separate query and make use of its scissors to formulate the mainquery. So we call such queries as nested or using sub queries they use sub queries. So one of themain advantages of sub queries is that it kind of makes the main query easy to understand andsometimes easy to formulate.And sometimes it also can make it efficient to run the main query because it may be the case thatthe sub query result can be computed once and then can be kind of used many times while youare running the outer query. Though it may not be the case for all sub queries but no these are thereasons why we use sub queries so let us see how sub queries can be introduced. Okay get the roll number names of students who have a lady professor as their advisor. Now youcould you know imagine a query an independent kind of a query who figures out who was ladyprofessor's first is going to be a little small set and then imagine that you are getting the wrongnumber names of students whose advisor happens to be in this set of a small set of ladyprofessors okay.So one can structure the you know computation or specification of the query we do not saycomputation because we can only specify the query right. So how we can imagine thesestructuring the specification in such a way that we can imagine that there is a small independentquery that can that will produce employee IDs of lady professors and then we can run a query inthe main query we will only examine students and then check whether their advisors are in theresult of the sub query okay.So now actually this brings in a crucial point into consideration that we need some operators thatkind of connect these 2 queries we need operators in some sense to connect this queries. So weuse some kind of set kind of operators for doing that so let me start a list rating that so here ishow we could do that using the sub query feature. So this is the sub query and the we are usingthe IN operator to make use of the sub query results so what is the sub query doing selectemployee ID from Professor where sex equals f, so you are getting hold of all lady professorsemployee ID.Now what is this table this table is a single column table with employee ID as a temporary tablewith single column with employee ID. Now so in the outer query we are saying get the rollnumber name from student s where s dot advisor in this set. Those of you who are little keeneyes will observe that there is a type mismatch here subtle type mismatch is there right s dotadvisor as far as we are concerned is actually a single value whereas here this produces tuplesokay.So let us be conscious of that type mismatch SQL allows you to kind of be a little bit type liberalokay it says okay fine we will ignore that type mismatch. The value here is s dot advisor, s dotadvisory the employee ID so it is a atomic value and that atomic value now we are checkingwhether it is in this set. So this set is actually set of tuples each tuple containing 1 value okay. Sotechnically speaking very theoretically speaking the value will not match this because there is atype mismatch there is a single value there here is a tuple of single value here right.So let us ignore that so let us imagine typecasting this as a tuple s dot advisor we will convertthat into a tuple. So that it can now check whether that tuple exists in this set of tuples. So this INis one of the operators we can use in to connect up the sub-query results with the main query. Sohow does the main query how the whole or overall query work again student tuples will beconsidered because that is the only there in the from clause only relation in the from clause.And for each student tuple we are checking whether this particular condition is satisfied and thatsatisfy making the satisfaction or otherwise of this condition involves computing another set oftuples. So in this case you can see that this set of tuples can be computed once and then reusedseveral times will this always be the case can this always be the case is an interesting question.So the answer is of course the fact that I am asking such a question the answer is not right.So it depends actually whether when it will be can be computed independently and when it maynot be computed independently you know there is certain there is something else that is probablyinvolved. So but you can imagine that in case this particular thing so there it actually the idea ofa sub-query raises several issues can we make use of these table aliases introduced in the mainquery here that is a question right.Should this this has a no from clause but no are these the relations they are being considering theouter from class are they accessible here that is an important question. Indeed they are actuallyaccessible so you could use off in case it is really needed you can also use yes here okay we willsee how exactly such a query you know can be formulated. But right now first of all let usassume let us settle this issue of how to make use of the result of a sub query in the main query.So something else okay so IN is there in a similar way NOT IN also is there. So in order to so let me go to the detail about what are the kind of operators that are available todo this. So this they are essentially like set comparison operators because you have one set oftuples and how it will be compared. So to deal with the sub-query result SQL gives you severaloperators. So the combination of these comparison operators with the keyword ANY and ALLcan be used as set comparison operators in the SQL okay.‘ So let us look at this query get the employee ID name of senior-most professors. This is thequery that you have tried in the quiz. Similar query was there for you in the quiz. Now we cansee that with the with the provision with the this operators being present you can actually expressthis query very easily. So who is the senior most professor whose start year is less than the startyear of everybody else that is it all right.So now less than is there less than ALL the combination of less than and ALL can be used. Soprofessors from professor p,p dot start year is less than equal to all select distinct start years fromprofessors, so this professor is different from that professor. So this is another instance of theprofessor. So this sub-query sorry this sub-query what it is doing is simply taking all the startyears of all professors and generating a list of start years.Because now what is this doing it is just checking that the for an individual professor the startyear is less than or equal to all the values here. So if the start year of a particular professor is lessthan everybody else start year then he is the senior most right. So this is the set comparisonoperator that we are talking about. So in general what are all the various comparison operators are there and what is the meaning ofthem this is the general comparison operators v some value of operator op is one of these 6comparison operators and S. So ANY and ALL is possible so let us start with ANY v op ANY Sis true if for some member x of S for some tuple v op x is true because its ANY S and false if forno member of x of S v of this true where S is a obviously sub-query of appropriate type it ofcourse if the sub-query produces a wider tuple then it is an issue right.Right now we are assuming that the sub tuple produces values tuples with single value in each ofthem v op ALL S is true if for every member x of S every tuple x of S v op x is true one of theseoperators false if for some member v of x is not true. So that is the general meaning of this setcomparison operators and you can see actually what we have in tuple of slides back we haveused IN IN.But that IN is actually equivalent to is a short form for equal to ANY. So instead of writing equalto ANY we will write IN and what do you think is NOT IN equivalent to equal to somethingright not equal to ANY or not equal to ALL. There are only 2 combinations ANY or ALLnobody wants to say anything wake up that guy how are you doing is my voice so okay let us seenot equal to ANY will serve the purpose of NOT IN.So it will be true if some members of x v op v not equal to is true. So if not equal to one of themeven if it is equal to something else it will pass right it is a dangerous thing whereas we do notthe meaning we are expecting from NOT IN is that it is not there in that particular set so becareful. So not equal to ANY will not serve this purpose so not equal to ALL serves the purpose.Okay so normally most cases we use v as a single attribute but while using this IN or NOT IN itcan in fact be a tuple of attributes also. Obviously if it is a tuple then tuple equivalences can becarried out the tuple is equivalent to the other tuple or not we can figure it out there is no ofcourse we cannot you know apply other operators for tuples like greater than less than and allthat it does not make sense though you can technically probably define that it does not makesense to do that.So well using IN and NOT IN it is possible that we the outer query is actually generating a smalltuple and then it is asking whether that tuple is present in the results generated by the sub-queryokay. So okay so to summarize what we have done is to kind of look at the basic structure ofSQL queries which has this clausal kind of structure select from where and where condition isthe most important thing.So the condition is a Boolean predicate that has to be satisfied by the combination of tuples thatare of relations mentioned or tables mentioned in the from clause and those combinations will beused to produce the output and we are now also looking at whether sub queries can be used andthings like that. Okay so we will stop here today.