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Module 1: You Can't Secure the Cloud Right?

    Study Reminders

    Topic 3- Introduction to cloud security
    Let’s start with the first topic, an introduction to security in the cloud. At Google we believe that security empowers innovation if you put security first everything else will follow. Google has been operating securely in the Cloud for nearly 20 years we have seven services each with over one-billion users every day this means that Google and Google Cloud connect to more than a billion IP addresses everyday designing for security is pervasive throughout our entire infrastructure and security is always paramount. Countless organisations have lost data due to a security incident a single breach could cost millions in fines and lost business but more importantly a serious data breach can permanently damage an organization's reputation with the loss of customer trust. As a result security is increasingly top-of-mind for organisational leadership like ceo’s and CSOs. Unfortunately many organisations don’t have access to the resources they need to implement state-of-the-art security controls and techniques. Google invests heavily in its technical infrastructure and has dedicated engineers is tasked with providing a secure and robust platform by choosing gcp you can leverage that same infrastructure to help secure your services and your data. Through the entire information processing life cycle including the deployment of services the storage of data communication between services and operation by administrators. Security cannot be an afterthought it must be fundamental in all designs that's why at Google we build security through progressive layers they delivered true defence indepth meaning our cloud infrastructure doesn’t rely on one single technology to make it secure, let’s start by talking about securing low-level infrastructure we design and build our own data centres that incorporate multiple layers of physical security protections as just one example access to these data centres is limited to a very small fraction of Google employees. We design our own servers networking, equipment and hardware security chips in those data centres. Our servers use cryptographic signatures to make sure they're booting the correct software, add the correct version in the correct data centre. Now let’s talk about a different layer of the stack service deployments specifically let’s talk about Google service service deployments which provide the fabric for Google Cloud. When services communicate with one another they do so via a remote procedure call or RPC if you’re not familiar with RPC that’s okay it’s just a way to facilitate communication between two services like rust over HTTP or XML over so. Google's infrastructure cryptographic privacy and integrity for all RPC calls for service to service communication. In addition to our own security practices Google also has an external bug bounty program in which third-party security researchers and developers can gain monetary reward for finding vulnerabilities in Google’s software components