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Module 1: Where Do I Store This Stuff?

    Study Reminders

    Unstructured Storage using Cloud Storage
    In this topic you will consider how you can leverage on structured storage using cloud storage. Cloud storage is just one of the many storage options on GCP and stores and search object data also known as blocked it up. You can store an unlimited amount of objects in the Cloud up 5 terabytes in size each cloud storage is well-suited for binary or object data such as images Media savings and backups. Cloud storage is the same storage that we use for images in Google photos Gmail attachments Google docs and so on. Users have a variety of storage requirements for a multitude of use cases to cater to these requirements we offer different classes of cloud storage the classes are based on how often the data is accessed. Multi-regional storage master bit more but it’s geo-redundant that means you pick a broad geographical location like the United States the European Union or Asia and cloud storage stores your data in at least two geographic locations separated by at least 160 km this option is ideal for storing data that is frequently accessed around the world such as sharing website content, streaming videos or gaming and mobile applications. National storage lets you store your data in a specific gcp region for example US Central one, Europe West one or Asia East it’s cheaper than multiracial storage but it offers less redundancy this option is ideal for data analytics and machine learning jobs. Nearline storage is an the low-cost highly durable storage service for storing infrequently accessed data. This storage class is a better choice than multiregional storage or regional storage in scenarios where you plan to read or modify your data on average once a month or less. For example if you want to continuously add files to Cloud storage and plan to access these files once a month for analysis near-line storage is a great choice. Typical users for this storage class include long-term content, multimedia source, file storage and online backups. Coldline storage is a very low-cost highly durable storage service for data archiving, online backup and disaster recovery. Coldline storage is the best choice for data that you plan to access at least once a year due to this slightly lower availability 90-day minimum storage duration cost for data access and higher pre-operational cost. Typical use cases include archive data, data with lenghty storage durations from legal or regulatory requirements, take migrations and disaster recovery. Cloud storage is unique in a number of ways it has a single API milliseconds data access latency and 11/9 durability across all storage classes. Cloud storage also offers object lifecycle management which uses policies to automatically move data to lower-cost storage classes as it is accessed less frequently throughout its life. Cloud storage files are organised into buckets when you create a bucket you give it a globally unique name, you specify the geographic location but the bucket and its contents are stored and if you choose one of the default storage classes that you were introduced to earlier. There are several ways to control users access to your objects and buckets for most purposes cloud IAM is sufficient, rules are inherited from project to bucket to object if you need final control you can create access control list ecl define who has access to your bucket and objects as well as what level of access they have. Each ACL consists of two pieces of information a scope which defines who can perform the specified actions and a permission which defines what action can be performed for example read or write. If you want you can turn on object versioning on your bucket. Cloud storage keeps the history of modifications that is over rides or deletes for all objects in the bucket you can list the archived versions of an object restore an object to an older state or permanently delete a version as needed. If you don’t turn on object versioning new always overrides old. Cloud storage also offers lifecycle management policies for example you could tell cloud storage to delete objects older than 365 days or to delete objects created before January 1st 2013 or to keep only the three most recent versions of each object in a bucket that has versioning enabled.