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    Study Reminders

     The key points from this module are:

    Clause - 9.1.1 incorporates the application of the data collection plan and assessment of both energy performance improvement and effectiveness of the EnMS.
    Effectiveness of the EnMS can be proven by improvement in energy performance and other intended outcomes. 

    Energy performance improvement can be demonstrated by improvements in EnPI values over time, relative to the corresponding EnB. 

    When performing analysis, the usual restrictions for the data (examples are measurement uncertainty, accuracy and precision) and consistency of energy-related reporting should be considered before reaching ultimate conclusions.

    The Clause - 9.1.2 is related to the evaluation of compliance and titled as "Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements". 

    At planned intervals, the organization needs to assess compliance with legal and other requirements pertinent to its energy use and consumption,  energy efficiency and the EnMS.