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    Study Reminders

    The key points from this module are:
    Important steps of 5S Sustain program are:

    Sign a 5S banner with the team and display the banner in the area as a matter of commitment.
    Display 5S visual assistance and reminders.
    Establish 5S status communication methods for instance newsletters and status update in executive meetings.
    Make a 5S Communication Board.
    Establish a Reward and Recognition program for 5S.
    The team lead has to lead by example along with member participation, mentoring and coaching.

    7-Steps for Gemba Walk

    Step 1 - 5S as a Theme for Gemba Walk
    Step 2 - Team should know the purpose of Gemba Walk
    Step 3 - Evaluation of Process, not People
    Step 4 - Visit Value-streams
