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    Study Reminders

    The key points from this module are:
    Introduction to DAX
    The advanced parts of PowerBI include DAX, measures and parameters.
    DAX is the data expression language
    DAX can be used in a calculated column or in a measure.
    Calculated Column
    A calculated column is basically an expanded measure for every row in the data set.A measure is in many ways synonymous with aggregation methods.
    Implied Measures
    The implied measures are the built-in Power BI measures: sum, average, minimum, maximum, and count.
    Filter Context
    Measures allow you to add on to the filter context.CALCULATE measure allows you to escape or add on to the filter context, to programmatically add in your own filter.
    Time-intelligence functions
    Utilize SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, which refers to the same period as last year, or PARALLELPERIOD functions to make a year-a-month, year-over-year, and month-over-month comparison.
    Parameters in Power BI
    A Parameter allows you to make changes to what you're looking at. There are two types of parameters in Power BI: Query parameter that belongs to Power Query and What If parameter which allows you to define scenarios and belongs more to the visualization of like the visualization view of Power BI.