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    Study Reminders

    After you have analyzed your collected data and answered your research question, you will write a report to show your findings to others.
    • The research report is a document describing what you aimed to study, how you studied it, as well as reporting what you found.
    • Research reports are divided into quantitative and qualitative reports, however, they may be combined quantitative and qualitative reports.
    • Writing the research report is the last step in the research journey. It will reflect what you did, what you found, and your conclusion.
    • You must write your research report in academic language and divide it into different sections.
    • Your research report must be clear, accurate, logical, and concise.
    The research report could be divided into two sections including:
    1. Preliminary section
    2. And main body
    The preliminary section includes:
    1.Title Page 2.
    3.Table of contents
    4.List of tables
    5. List of figures
    6. Abstract
    The main body includes:
    1. Introduction and literature review
    2. Methodology
    3. Results
    4. Discussion
    5. Limitations and recommendations
    6. Conclusion
    7. References