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    In this module you learnt:

    Characteristics of Romantic Poetry
    Freedom of the individual
    Lyrical Ballads also became a key point for understanding Romantic Poetry
    William Wordsworth
    Wordsworth, along with Coleridge, announced the period as Romantic
    The Prelude by Wordsworth is considered an autobiographical poem and is considered an Epic.
    Nature is used specifically to educate Wordsworth.

    Samual Coleridge
    Poet with a philosophical mind.
    Known for his Opium addiction.
    Kubla Kahn came to him in an 'opium dream'
    Kubla Kahn reflects the nature of Romantic poetry and the relationship between mind and nature.

    John Keats
    Helped give the concept of organic unity in poems.
    Keats was trained as an apothecary surgeon but abandoned it for poetry and his lady love.
    Most famous for his odes.

    Percy Shelley
    Shelley was born an aristocrat but was an idealistic rebel.
    His poems reflect an optimism, a characteristic of Romantic poetry.
    His poem 'Ode to the West Wind' addresses the wind as a symbol of revolution and change.