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    Study Reminders

    Let us assume that we have carried out a detailed market survey and we have obtained from a

    bunch of customers their needs and we have also been able to list them down in the order of
    their priority. So, we will look at the need and the priority. So low purchase price in this case
    happens to be the top most priority and the weightage given by the bunch of customers is
    35%. Next requirement or next priority is the ability of the aircraft to be able to carry 4
    passengers and adequate baggage.

    For this there is a 22% priority. Low annual operating costs is the next in the order of
    preference, 18%. Good range is of the order of 13%. Looks fast, even on the ground, this is a
    requirement which seems a little bit peculiar, but this is a requirement of looks okay and
    actually being able to fly high speed capability that is 5%. Interestingly, the customer is more
    keen to make the aircraft appear fast looking, whereas it may not necessarily actually have
    the capacity to fly fast.

    Notice that if you add up these priorities, they will come to 1.00 or 100%. Now, these are the
    6 needs which have been identified and prioritized. We are now going to look at some
    features which are going to be utilized or we will use the house of quality chart to see what
    these features can do.

    So we have chosen some features. These are only proposed because how they affect we will
    come to know very soon by the house of quality chart. The first feature that is proposed is
    advanced construction technology, large passenger cabin, high aspect ratio for the wing,
    swept surfaces because the customer wants the aircraft to look faster on the ground and also
    to fly fast to some extent so swept surfaces, efficient engines okay. These are the 5 proposed

    design features.

    Now, this example is just an example and please note that it is not always possible for novice
    aircraft designers to be able to fill up this house of quality chart, but I will just try and give
    you an idea about how it works.

    So this is the template which I showed earlier is now filled in. We have the customer needs
    listed here. We have the proposed features listed here and the priority for each need in the
    order of rank is also listed here. For some of the design features okay, for example large
    cabin we have 150 cubic feet. You know we have 150 cubic feet as a proposed target value.
    For swept surfaces, we have 20 degrees sweep.

    For high aspect ratio, we have a target value of 7. So this information has come from past
    data or from the competition. Now let us see how this matrix is filled. So once again, we are
    going to use some kind of a symbology, but here this is going to be a low level house of
    quality, so we are going to use 3 symbols as are listed here okay. The 3 symbols are a strong
    correlation, a moderate correlation and a weak correlation.

    Strong correlation is shown as filled in circle, moderate correlation is shown as an open circle
    and the weak correlation is shown as a triangle. And if you have a strong correlation, we give
    9 points, if we have a moderate correlation we give 3 points and if we have a weak
    correlation we give 1 point. And also remember we are only looking at positive correlations.
    In the design feature correlation matrix, we look at positive and negative correlation.

    If you remember, I mentioned that you use this darkened circle for strong positive correlation,
    open circle for positive correlation, a cross for negative correlation and asterisk mark for a
    very strong negative correlation, but in this particular area in the center we are not going to
    put any negative correlations. We are going to put only positive correlations between the
    proposed feature and the customer need.

    Now, this is an area where an experienced aircraft designer or experienced designer is
    required because it is not possible for just anyone to fill this matrix. To do this, you need
    some kind of prior experience or in some cases you may have to do a little bit of analysis. So
    let us see we are going to now fill in the design features matrix.

    Let us assume that after filling in, so let us start one by one. We look at advanced
    construction technology and we correlate that with low purchase price and there is apparently
    a very strong positive correlation. Then if you have advanced technology of construction, you
    can also provide good capacity for baggage and operating. Operating cost will also be a little
    bit low.

    Range will be very high or I would say that if you use advanced construction technology, you
    might be able to provide features that give you good range and also you will allow it
    moderately to look fast on the ground as well as make it fast. So the designers have decided
    based on their experience and their past knowledge that advanced construction technology is
    going to have a very far reaching influence on all these aspects.

    Now, we are not here to question them. Let us look at the next design feature which is the
    large cabin. Now, large cabin and purchase price may not really have any correlation, but
    large cabin will definitely ensure that you have the ability to carry 4 passengers and baggage
    capacity, others are not going to be of any great importance. High aspect ratio provision will
    help in providing a good range capability because it will lead to much lower induced drag.

    So that is a very strong correlation and high aspect ratio will also allow the aircraft to actually
    fly fast. Swept surfaces I think they will only affect the looks and that too in a very, very
    strong way. They may also moderately allow it to fly fast, but you know the designers do not
    feel because the target value is only 20 degrees, and therefore they feel that with 20 degrees
    sweep you actually may not get very high speed, but at least it will look like a high speed

    The efficient engines are going to affect the operating costs because they are going to
    consume less fuel and definitely they are going to give you more range and also allow you to
    travel fast. Now, as I mentioned earlier and I want to reiterate it is not expected that any
    novice student who has no experience in design can fill this chart correctly. It is also possible
    that two different design teams may fill this chart differently okay.

    It depends on what kind of facilities are available to the design team or to the company. The
    advanced construction technology here seems to correlate positively with many of the design
    requirements, but in some other country or for some other company, it might so happen that
    advanced construction technology may not be available and then the designers there may not
    like to provide it and they may not feel that there is a correlation with these things.

    So the house of quality chart is filled differently by different design teams. Nevertheless, if it
    is filled by a particular team, let us see how we proceed further. So right now, we assume that
    this filling is sacrosanct and we do not have any reason to question or counter these
    arguments. Let us now see how we fill the design feature correlation matrix on the top. So
    advanced construction technology and efficient engines they go very well together.

    They both support each other. If you have an efficient engine and also advanced construction
    technology, then it is best of both, so there is a very strong positive correlation. Between

    large cabin and high aspect ratio the designers have put across mark because they are not very
    sure, they feel that these two are going to contradict little bit each other. Similarly, large
    cabin and efficient engine is also going to be contradictory.

    And high aspect ratio and swept surfaces are going to have a very, very negative correlation
    because this is a recipe for aeroelastic problems okay. So we know that high aspect ratio
    wings are more slender and if you also sweep them, then we are entering a regime of
    aeroelastic problems. So therefore as a mark of caution, there is a star mark between these
    two factors. High aspect ratio and efficient engine yes.

    High aspect ratio will give you lower fuel consumption and lower fuel consumption will also
    be supported by efficient engines, so they are going to be positively correlated to a large
    extent. Swept surfaces and efficient engines are going to be a little bit counter because swept
    surfaces are actually going to create a little bit more drag. We are not going to fly at very high
    speeds and you know such surfaces are not going to be working positively with the efficient

    This is how this particular works has been filled. The next step in our house of quality chart
    calculation is to fill in the design to calculate the design future priorities okay.

    So this is done by simple calculation. So what we do is for every dark circle that you see here
    you are giving 9 marks. For every open circle, we are going to give 3 marks and for every
    triangle we are going to you 1 mark. So this will be 9, 9, 9. Let us see how these design

    feature priorities calculated. So what we do here is to get this number we have to do this 9
    into 0.35 + 9 into 0.22 + 3 into 0.18 + 9 into point 0.13 + 1 into 0.07 + 1 into 0.05 that will
    add up to 6.96.

    Similarly, to get the next number you just do 9 into 0.22 okay and you will get this particular
    number. For the next one you have to do 9 into 0.13 + 1 into 0.05 and that if you do it will
    come to 1.22. The next one will be 9 into 0.07 that is 0.63 and the last one can be obtained by
    doing 3 into 0.18 + 9 into 0.13 + 1 into 0.05 if you add them. So when you do this, you will
    be able to get the values of the design feature.

    And what we do now is we look at these numbers and we start ranking them. So, yeah 6.96 is
    the highest rank that is the first rank. The next rank is for the large cabin which is 1.98. The
    third one will be 1.76. The fourth will be 1.22 and the last will be the swept surface. So with
    this particular calculation, we summarize that the highest priority is actually available for this
    particular feature and the lowest priority is for the swept surfaces.

    So the designers may say okay we might drop this feature because we have found that we
    thought providing sweep is going to be beneficial, but you know there are lot of these
    negative things associated with sweep. There is also one positive, but you know there are
    many which are negative and you also notice that the design feature rank is very low. So we
    might decide to you know avoid it in the next analysis or we might say no, let us use it.

    So what you do is you sum all of this and then you say okay 6.96 upon the total that is the
    priority for the feature of advanced construction technology and you just rank it here and now
    you repeat the calculation by identifying what are the features we will provide to address
    these requirements.

    So similarly, you can go to the higher level. In the higher level of HOQ, you use design
    features as needs. You assign the priorities based on the ranking. Then you identify second
    level features and then you repeat okay. This is an example of some sequence of house of
    quality. You might start with the customer attributes as the first level of priorities. Then you
    might use engineering characteristics as the second level.

    From there, you can go to the part characteristics. From there, you can go to the process
    operations and from that you can go to the production requirements. Like that, you can have
    many, many