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Module 1: Gene Delivery and Other Variants

    Study Reminders


    Hello everyone. Welcome to another lecture of Drug Delivery Engineering and
    Principles. We are going to continue our discussion that we are having on this particular
    module which is on vaccines.
    (Refer Slide Time: 00:39)

    So, just a quick recap of what we learnt in the last class. So, in the last class, we were
    looking at gene therapy and using genes as vaccines; so, delivering the whole plasmid
    containing your gene of interest into the cells itself. So, what will happen is because now
    that you have delivered them, let us say, to a cell, these cells will produce the protein in
    the cytoplasm and then it will signal as something that is being produced by a viral or a
    cytoplasmic - more a class 1 response.
    So, that was the whole idea there we learned few things in the last class in regards to
    that. One was how we can use this for oral deliveries to take care of some of the food
    allergies. In this case, we looked at peanut allergy, then we also talked about other
    vaccines. In the other vaccines, we had several different formulations one was depot

    formation. So, what we were doing is basically injecting something or implanting
    something which act as a depot.
    So, the antigens are here - rather than letting the antigen flow around and find the
    immune cell, this particular one was asking the immune cells to come to its site only. So,
    and the way this was doing it, it was releasing chemokines and because chemokines are
    being released here right at this point, the highest concentration of chemokine is there.
    And as it moves further away the concentration of chemokine was decreasing and this
    gradient caused all these APCs to move in and survey the site. And once they come in,
    there are also antigens that are loaded. This could be either in the same gel, the same as a
    chemokines are loaded or they could be particles encapsulating your antigens and then
    these APCs are going to come and take up your antigens which will then cause then
    enhancement or signal as well as whatever response they need to activate.
    So, it is acting as kind of a artificial lymph node and obviously, there are several papers
    out there which actually do this lymph node mimicking and do a much much more
    comprehensive sort of setup to get complete mimicking of that. But this is a preliminary
    paper showing that you can get that and basically ask the APCs to come to the site, get
    activated, and generate the immune response rather than actually letting the antigen find
    the APCs. And then one other different type of vaccine we will talked about was using
    particles and complement system activation.
    So, in this particular example we saw that how the authors first of all were using size to
    target lymphatics.

    (Refer Slide Time: 03:46)

    So, what they did, is they used 25 nanometer and 100 nanometer particles and they of
    course, found the 25 nanometer is easier for diffusion in the lymphatic just because of
    the size it can go into the lymphatics much easily than the 100 nanometer. And then what
    they did is of this 25 nanometer, they prepared these particles from two different
    conjugation chemistries; one that resulted in a hydroxyl present on the surface and one
    that resulted in methoxy group present on the surface. And obviously, this is more
    nucleophilic then the methoxy group which is fairly inert and what they found is this did
    a much much better job in up regulating the complement system.
    So, the complement system started to get activated and that act as a innate immune
    response. So, the secondary response cause a lot more activation of the APCs and much
    better vaccines, than the one that only use the methyl group. So, this is what we had
    learnt- there are several other examples it is I mean, I can probably make a whole course
    out of just these examples of various types of vaccines which are different from the
    conventional vaccines as I have given you some flavor of it.

    (Refer Slide Time: 05:14)

    Now, we are going to talk about another type of vaccine that is particular for a disease
    and these are cancer vaccines. And cancer vaccines are fairly widely used in research
    phase; not so much in the clinical phase although there are some examples and then we
    will talk about that. But there is a lot and lot of enthusiasm as well as hope that these
    cancer vaccines in the research phase will succeed and ultimately translate to the clinics
    because as we all know cancer is a big challenge that faces humanity at this point.
    Pretty much all of us probably knows somebody or the other who is either suffering from
    cancer or who has died because of cancer and the way our society is going the cancer
    incident rate are increasing every year. And so, it is very important that we are able to
    tackle this problem as quickly as possible.

    (Refer Slide Time: 06:10)

    So, first of all before we describe cancer vaccines, I will just give you brief overview
    what cancer is I am again sure most of you know about this – it is nothing, but this
    uncontrolled growth of cells which were not supposed to do that. At least not the way the
    body was designed. These cancer cells actually routinely arise in our body. So, right
    from your childhood all the way to the old age we have these sporadic cancer cells
    coming up again and again. And the reason they are coming up because they caused by
    mutations in some gene.
    So, during the replication maybe one gene gets mutated. Most of the time those genes are
    at some places that are benign so, they do not cause anything. Sometimes those gene lead
    to a dysfunctional cell and the cell just dies. But then in some cases these mutations
    either confers the ability to proliferate at a much higher pace or gives it enhance survival
    capabilities. So, that can grow even in harsh environments and that these little things lead
    to eventually development of cancerous cells.
    Now, because there are mutations so, the proteins that are being produced are not the
    sequence that they are supposed to be. So, let us say there is a mutation in some of the
    gene that causes up regulation in proliferation. So, because of that mutation now your
    original gene that the body knows is no longer exist there is a mutation maybe few amino
    acids has changed, maybe few amino acids are replaced, the structure is different. So,
    there is some antigens because now we can call them antigens because these are not

    something that the body knows about. So, this is not natural; these are something that
    have been mutated.
    So, that is there are some antigens and these antigens are what the immune system can
    detect. So, it is fairly feasible for the immune system now to be able to detect such
    abbreviated or such mutated proteins. And then again this happens as I said much at a
    much more rate than we know the immune system does continuously survey for these
    cancerous cell that are being generated. And again almost all of the times the immune
    system is very good and adept in destroying these cancer cells.
    So, that is why we do not really see cancer being developed as often as it could. But then
    there are few cases in which the immune system then fails to destroy them, maybe they
    are not as immunogenic. These antigens may be the immune system is not able to survey
    the entirety of the body and then once that happens these cancer cells can proliferate can
    form tumors and that is what lead to tumor formation.
    (Refer Slide Time: 09:22)

    So, again and that is what we are trying to tackle here. We are saying that what if we
    help the body in tackling those and again like your conventional vaccines cancer
    vaccines can also be divided into two different types: One is prophylactic vaccine, which
    as the name suggest and as we discussed in the past is given before the cancer has
    happened. So, let us see how this how does that work. So, and then this really simple
    reason is some cancers are actually caused by some oncoviruses.

    So, we have previously talked about how I did know virus or retroviruses can actually go
    into your genome and put in their genome and introducing very strong promoters in front
    of genes. These promoters were not supposed to be there, sometimes they can go and put
    these promoters in front of; let us say, a protein that helps in survival, a protein that helps
    in proliferation, and that may cause the cancer to develop. So, one of the bigger example
    of this is a cervical cancer. In cervical cancer, most of the time it is actually caused by a
    virus and at a very high frequency actually and so, this virus goes in and because of it’s
    process it develops these cervical cancer in our cells.
    So, very traditionally what is being done is if you vaccinate against these viruses, these
    pathogens that are leading to oncogenes being expressed, you basically get rid of cancer.
    So, if these viruses do not get chance to actually go in and inject their genetic material,
    then it will not be able to activate any oncogenes and our body will be protected from
    such viruses.
    So, again few examples here is a Hepatitis B vaccine is used to prevent liver cancer. So,
    if you get a Hepatitis B infection, you have a higher tendency to get liver cancer.
    However, if you get Hepatitis B vaccine, you will not get Hepatitis B disease and
    because of that the liver cancer incidence will also go down. So, this is given as a
    prophylactic treatment.
    So, even before you are getting cancer, even before you getting Hepatitis B disease, you
    have been given a vaccine that directly or indirectly leads to prevention of liver cancer.
    Similarly, this cervical cancer we talked about, this is through the HPV virus which is a
    Human Papilloma Virus and this virus alone is actually responsible for almost 70 percent
    of cervical cancers. So, as I said the incidence of cancer infected with HPV is very very
    high and almost 70 percent of the cancer of cervix is observed because of this infection.
    So, if we somehow give a vaccine before this virus has chance to infect us, we not only
    protect against this disease, but we will prevent the cervical cancer incidences by quite a
    big margin.

    (Refer Slide Time: 12:39)

    So, that was on the prophylactic vaccines not much as I said this is mostly an indirect
    way. At least at this point of time people have not been vaccinated directly for a cancer
    cell which is not caused by any other pathogen in a prophylactic manner. So, that is
    where the therapeutic vaccines then become very important because these are what will
    be more clinically relevant at least in most of the cases, where a patient is coming in with
    a disease already, with cancer already and then we want the body’s immune system to be
    able to fight that cancer. And so, the goal overall here is to increase the immune response
    against tumor antigens.
    So, those tumor antigens that are caused by the mutations in your normal cell initially. If
    we can get those immune responses against these antigens to go up, then the immune
    system can come and kill your cancerous cell. So, at this point the major problem is that
    the immune system is not detecting that these are cancer cells or not able to do much
    against these because it does not think that these are cancerous or there are too many of
    them or could be several reasons. So, somehow if we can strengthen the immune
    response against these particular antigens, we will be able to hopefully cure cancer
    through our own immune system in itself.
    The problem is, it is actually very hard to generate immune response because these
    antigens are very similar to our own antigens. So, now, we are talking about let us say if
    this is a protein that the body already has, all that has changed is maybe one or two

    amino acids here are mutated. So, the body finds it very difficult first of all to identify
    that there is a change here and then secondly, there is really no other signal the body gets
    to get activated for your immune response. Because when you are talking about a
    bacterial cell coming in, we had talked about there is so, many different innate immune
    pathways going up - the innate cells are recognizing the patterns, maybe the flagella,
    maybe the LPS, maybe the DNA, the CpG islands and all.
    So, all of this was a very good activator of the immune response and not only that the
    proteins that these bacterial cells are secreting. Let us say if they are secreting a protein,
    this protein was completely foreign. So, each and every peptide sequence that makes this
    protein is new to the body. So, the body can generate immune response against all of
    these regions and so, there is very high chance that you will get antibodies, you will get
    cytotoxic T cells to be able to recognize, this kill whatever niche this particular bacteria
    or other pathogens are surviving.
    Now, but in this case first of all you do not have much much co-stimulation. Then the
    antigen it itself is very very small as well this maybe only one antigen present in one
    protein. So, all of those result in quite a difficult task for the immune system to be able to
    mount a good response against it. And then not only that what then complicates a
    problem is because these cells are now rapidly dividing sometimes the mutation could
    actually be in enzymes that are supposed to take care of the fidelity of the DNA
    replication. So, what I mean by that is let us say; there is an enzyme that checks whether
    the DNA replication has happened correctly or not (checks correctness of DNA
    So, now if this enzyme got mutated itself, then what will happen not only there is one
    mutation here, but every subsequent time the cell is going to divide. There is a chance
    that there is going to be more mutations or the mutations getting accumulated at a much
    higher rate and so, that is what it means. You can also have a higher mutation rate that is
    being developed and then; that means, that let us just say that here is one cell that was

    (Refer Slide Time: 17:40)

    So, it goes ahead and starts dividing and makes several of these. Now because this
    enzyme was not working that is responsible for making sure that there is a correct DNA
    replication that is happening. What will happen is as it divides further, maybe one of the
    protein gets mutated and it is a being another type of cancerous cell. So, now, what will
    happen is this will divide further and obviously, the red the original cancer cells will
    continue to divide. And then it could again happen that another cell gets mutated through
    these green line as well.
    So, let us say another yellow cell gets invaded and then this is going to be surrounded by
    the red original cells. So, this can actually continue to go on. And so, now, what you are
    doing is not only you have a tumor because there is a mutation, but now as the time is
    progressing as the tumors are becoming larger and larger, you are actually accumulating
    more mutations and more different types of cells.
    And so, then it becomes very hard for the body to be able to control for all this because
    let us say if the immune system does come in as able to recognize one of these types. It
    will still not be able to recognize all three, all ten types that might be there in that large
    tumor. And so, that is why there are several variants of tumor antigens that comes up and
    eventually, it becomes a harder job for the immune system to be able to handle that.

    (Refer Slide Time: 19:55)

    But nonetheless there are some vaccines like the other vaccines they have been classified
    into different categories. So, one is the autologous tumor cell vaccine and as the name
    suggest, that means, that this is from your own tumor cells. So, let us say a patient comes
    in or a animal is induced a tumor, you isolate the cells from the tumor regions maybe at
    the time of biopsy when it is being confirmed whether tumor is there we isolate some
    part of the tumor anyways. So, we isolate some cells, we lyse them. So, when I lyse these
    cells so, an initially let us say this was a cell and maybe one of the protein had this
    mutation here.
    So, let us say when I lyse these cell all of the proteins come out, I then mix it with some
    adjuvants. So, what I can do is now I mix it with some LPS or I mix it with some
    flagella; flagellin protein and then put it back in the body. So, now, what is happening is
    earlier as I said that these tumor cells are not activating the immune system as much as
    let us say bacterial cell would. So, now, what I have done is because I have given these
    co-stimulatory signals, this is going to lead to a much enhanced response against any
    mutated protein that is present in your lysate.
    So, at this point you are basically not really testing as to what is the mutation, you are
    just taking the whole cells, lysing them up, you hope that that cell lysate is now
    containing several proteins that are mutated and you inject it back in the body along with
    some adjuvants. And then let the immune system figure out what is wrong, which is the

    protein that needs to target and one of the advantage here is you are actually presenting
    the entire spectrum of your antigen.
    So, all the antigens that may be present maybe 1, maybe 5 are being presented to the
    immune system, which the immune system can then sort through and mount a response.
    So, maybe let us say this one had two or three proteins that were mutated and even
    though maybe only one protein is more immunogenic than the other because of the
    mutations. So, then it becomes a higher chance for the immune system to at least detect
    one of these different mutations and be able to kill the cell. As I said, this also causes
    transduction of stimulated proteins such as IL-12 and GM-CSF. So, because of all that
    you will have much better response. So, the innate immunity has kicked in a much better
    (Refer Slide Time: 22:41)

    However, there is some risk of autoimmunity now, because as I said you are taking the
    whole lysate and adding it with adjuvants and putting it back in the body. So, now, this
    lysate even though it contains some of the antigens which are mutated from the normal
    cell. This also contains several functioning and intact proteins that you are now
    supplying with adjuvants.
    So, there is a little bit of chance that if the adjuvant has worked very well or the immune
    system got activated to such a high amount that some of these original proteins, some of
    these original self-antigens may be recognized by the immune system and immune

    system may mount the response against them. So, if that happens, then what will
    happen? Then your immune system is going to go even to healthy cells, mount a
    response against them because these healthy cells are producing these proteins, and by
    that logic though self-antigen and that may cause even more destruction, than what you
    wanted. And not to mention as I just said how do you get this tumor sample? It may
    involve some surgical procedure needed to be done to get this initial isolation of the cell.
    And so, it is invasive you need quite a bit of tumor sample again if you are going to go
    ahead and inject it; you want to give as much antigen as possible. So, you want
    substantial amount of tumor sample to be present as well.
    (Refer Slide Time: 24:28)

    So, here is just list of some of the tumor evasion mechanisms that have been known in
    the literature. So, first of all is a physical barrier itself. So, as I said that the tumor is
    growing fairly rapidly and it is filling of whatever space it can find so; obviously, this
    space never existed before. This was supposed to be only a single cell, now it is
    converted into many cells. So, it is just pushing around on the body, it is a very tight
    network; its mechanical properties are much higher than the surrounding tissue in terms
    of stiffness and all.
    So, it is harder for now the immune cell. Let us say, this is an APC which is coming to
    survey the area. It is harder for this cell to be able to penetrate deep inside this because it
    will have to navigate through all kinds of cells and to be able to find all different antigens

    that are present in this tumor microenvironment. So, there is a physical barrier just
    imposed by the tumor architecture. Then you have induction of host myeloid and
    lymphoid suppressor cells.
    So, not only that, the tumour environment is very complex, it actually signals in such a
    way that it causes suppression of your myeloid and lymphoid cells. So, they do not really
    work very well. Sometimes, it causes T-regulatory cells which we discussed in the past
    which are T cells that will actually regulate and tell the immune system to calm down to
    be present in much higher quantity in the tumor region than the surrounding. So that
    means, that even if the activated immune cell has coming, it is not going to be able to do
    much because when it sees these it thinks that this is a site that it does not need to get
    activated on and the tumor then can protect it itself from that.
    There are direct mechanisms through which tumor binds to these T cells that are actually
    immunogenic and actually blocks their function, so, they cannot really do their job.
    There are expression of proteases that interfere with the cytotoxicity. So, obviously, let
    us say if I try to deliver a protein that kills the cell, but there are lots of proteases in the
    surrounding, then that protein that I am delivering it gets degraded in that environment.
    So, it is hard for those proteins to survive.

    There are certain expression of FAS ligand. So, it goes back to what I was saying earlier-
    So, it expresses some of these proteins on these surfaces which causes the immune

    system do not really go 100 percent against these particular tumor cells. There is a down
    regulation of cytokine receptors. So, the cytokines do not really signal it very well on
    these. So, one of the way the cells can dies lots of cytokines come in bind to it and the
    cell functioning gets disturbed, but the tumor cells can have down regulation of such
    receptors and that may not happen. I already mentioned, sometimes there are also
    resistance to apoptosis.
    So, maybe the mutation in such a gene that it does not die and continues to proliferate.
    And so, they are much more hardy and much more adept to be able to survive in harsh
    environment that immune system can present. The T cells can actually not be able to
    even recognize it and that we already talked about that it is not very immunogenic as
    well as the environment it itself is very tolerogenic environment, not letting the immune
    system get activated in that area.

    Even let us say if the body does able to mount the response; if the immune system is able
    to recognize a particular antigen, as I said the mutation rate is very high. So, there will be
    parts of regions of this tumor which would even mutate that and have some other
    mutation that is causing now tumor. So, because of all that the body may not be able to
    clear out the whole of the tumor cell even, then some of the tumor cells may survive
    because they are slightly different and they then continue to proliferate and grow the
    It also down regulates some of the MHC molecules. So, it does not really process the
    antigen. So, every cell has these molecules; every cell has these MHC molecules that are
    presenting the antigen. But if the number of these receptors are lower so, let us say, there
    is a certain density of these receptors on most healthy cells. What tumor does? It then
    decreases this number. So, that not a whole lot of them are being presented. So, the
    immune system can really recognize it. Then the expression of ligands for killer cells are
    inhibited as well as it also shed these ligands out. So, that the immune cells are not able
    to recognize this
    (Refer Slide Time: 29:26)

    So, here is what ideally we would like to have in cancer vaccines. So, you give these
    cancer vaccines to dendritic cells or macrophages, which are antigen presenting cells,

    they get activated against the antigen. So, this probably is along with some co-
    stimulatory molecule and this is going to go ahead and activate the CTLs (the cytotoxic

    T cells) because in this case the antibody can be useful, but it really will not do much
    stuff; you want to kill the cells itself.
    So, cytotoxic T cells and T helper cells are the major players and so, this is the immune
    activation part of it. This is what ideally we would like and then these should go to the
    tumor cells and start killing it. Using various mechanisms either by secreting granzyme
    and perforin or IFN-gamma to further boost this response. However, what actually
    happens is, as I said, these tumors are secreting all these several proteins that are causing
    immune tolerance. So, TGF-beta, IDO, VEGF, galectin; it is causing activation of T-regs
    this is also PD1, PDL1, that is also present, and is causing the tumor associated
    macrophages and the different types of immune cells to not get activated. And all of this
    result in modulation of this immune response and in that, suppresses the immune
    response and be able to then protect this tumor cell.
    Obviously, at the same time most patients also get conventional therapies such as
    radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but then they suffer from various drawbacks that they
    were not able to penetrate inside a dense tumor tissue. They are not able to kill all tumor
    cells because of mutations. These tumor cells anyways are fairly strong in resisting cell
    death and eventually, they are able to survive and obviously, there are tumor antigens in
    the surrounding that you can again use for cancer vaccines. So, this is kind of how this
    whole process is taking place in our body.
    (Refer Slide Time: 31:56)

    So, what are some of the desirable properties of cancer vaccines? So, of course, one is it
    is targeting antigens preferentially that are exclusively on tumors, but not on healthy
    tissue. Again if you use antigens that are present on healthy tissues, then you have
    autoimmune response being generated. It should be fairly safe and non-toxic to human
    cells - of course and that is true with any kind of treatment you. What about the quantity?
    So, can you deliver enough to get sufficient number of your immune cells to be activated
    What about the quality? the ones that are activating is being able to go and kill the cells.
    You can express T cell whether they express T cell receptors with high ability to the
    target antigen.
    So, whether they will bind to it, give the desired function traffic to the tumor sites. So, be
    able to go and find where it is and then further navigate inside the tumor as well and then
    how much of the duration of response is given by these cells whether these cells are
    active. So, for enough duration to kill all of the tumor cells in a large tumor. So, we will
    stop here and we will continue rest in the next class.
    Thank you.