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    Significance of Finger Movements

    Welcome dear participants, in the 4th module of the 3rd week.In this module, we would look at the significance of different Finger Movements.We have looked at different hand positions and gestures, but we find that it is not onlythe hands, but also the fingers independently as well as our thumb, even palm are indicativeof certain emotions and moods and have a significance in our interactions.In fact, Joe Navarro who has authored a very popular book entitled, What Everybody is Sayinghas commented that despite having learnt language, over millions of years, human brain is stillhardwired to actually, communicating our emotions and thoughts and sentiments with the helpof our hands.And he feels that the significance, which is given to hand and fingers movements inany communication is rather disproportionate.Our thumbs normally indicates superiority and there are certain gestures which are universallypopular, particularly the thumbs up gesture.Even though, this gesture has different interpretations in different cultures.Thumbs in general display our sense of dominance and assertiveness and sometimes aggressiveand insulting attitudes.It is also interesting to note that thumb gestures are secondary gestures and they arealways a part of a cluster, they are never independently read.Thumbs of gesture in most of the cultures means; that the job has been completed nicely;however, the pattern in which this particular gesture is taken up and the interpretationsand emphases are also different in different cultures.In Japan we find that the interpretation is the same; however, one has to stick the thumbup in the air with a clenched fist.Whereas in most of the countries we would find that the fist is never totally clenched.The same gesture which the Japanese used to indicate that everything is good can be treatedas an insulting gesture in Arabian countries.In Australia and Greece, particularly if it is thrust up as a typical hitchhiking gesture;it means an insult.Thumbs are also used to master counting, but whether this is number one or number fivedepends on the cultural variations, where a child is learning to count.Thumbs are normally associated with the fist movements and thumbs in fist indicates ananxiety.When a thumb has been tucked inside the fingers, it is often considered a way to find certaincomfort in an otherwise anxious situation.During negotiations and sales, during our dialogues, we have to watch for this particularsign and try to somehow, while away the time until the thumb moves back out of the fistso that the dialogue can move in a positive direction.Closed hands, but fist with a protruding finger, on the other hand shows, determination andemphasis and this iconic photograph of Winston Churchill represents similar ideas.On September 19, 1946, Winston Churchill had delivered his famous speech in Zurich andwhere he had called for the creation of a United State of Europe.And here, we find that his closed hands and fist with a protruding finger, suggest hisdetermination as well as a positive emphasis on the idea.Thumbs protruding from coat pocket is another very common gesture, which we routinely comeacross in professional as well as in semi-professional gatherings.This is commonly displayed by those people, who think that they are in a position to commandas well as they are somehow superior to others.Sometimes we would find that people use their back pockets to show their protruding thumbs.It is as if somebody is trying to hide the dominant attitude from others.In a work environment we would always find that it is the boss, who moves around usingthese type of thumbs, protruding from his coat pocket.If the boss is only if the second person in command may sometimes adopt the same gesture;however never in the presence of the boss.Pease has commented that it is also one of the regular gestures of Prince Charles, whichindicates his superior position as well as the attitude that he is in control of things.Often we come across this gesture deliberately in tramps as well as in petty villains.In these people, we find that it is a deliberate statement to underscore their significancein front of other people.Another common thumb cluster is when arms are folded, but thumbs are pointing upwards,this is interpreted as a double signal.It shows a defensive as well as a negative attitude with the help of the folded arms;however, the superior attitude is revealed by the thumbs.The person normally uses this cluster to suggest that he has got a superiority attitude, butat the same time he is feeling defensive or he is trying to create a barrier between himselfand others.If a person is sitting while he or she is adopted this posture, the person normallytwiddles with the thumb during talks and if a person is a standing adopting this posture,the person rocks on the balls of his feet.Rubbing the thumb against the index finger or fingertips is used as a money expectancygesture normally, as if somebody is rubbing a coin between the thumb and the fingertips.But this is a highly negative gesture, because it indicates money with all its negative associationsand therefore, people do not like to be associated with this gesture in a public manner.Another common gesture is what can be termed as the precision grip and its variations,as if you are holding something delicate and important between your thumb and your fingertips.You might be holding a pen or a needle or a piece of soft silk.During the dialogues, you would find that this precision gesture particularly, whenthe palm is facing towards ourselves suggests accuracy, precision as well as delicacy ofthe situation about which the person is talking.Normally, we find that audience and listeners understand this gesture immediately and therefore,we find that a slight variation of this precision grip has become a favorite gesture of today’spolitical leaders.So, this is an inverted ‘okay’ gesture with ones palm, facing outward and fingersare softly rounded.It avoids the intimidation, because of the softness associated with the fingers and therefore,it is perceived as a gesture, which is thoughtful, goal oriented, precise and accurate.Minor variations of the pinch or the precision grip, help us to underscore the delicacy ofthe situation as well as the significance of the argument, which we want to pass on.At the same time, if we are doing it with soft fingers, we find that it is never consideredas an arrogant gesture.Another variation is the ‘okay’ signed, which is made with our thumb and fingers.It is also a gesture, which has got different connotations and cultural associations.In the USA, it signals that everything is ‘okay’, in Japanese culture it means ‘money’,in France it may mean ‘zero’, in Scandinavia and certain parts of Central Europe it isconsidered as a vulgar gesture, in some countries it is considered to be a root gesture, inRussia, Brazil, Turkey and the Mediterranean cultures, it is considered to be an obscenegesture.So, one can say that even though the hand movements and finger gestures are almost universalthe interpretations of these common gestures are cultural.In this interesting video, we find that an explanation of the meanings of hand and thumbsis given.As hands will tell so much, if you ever see someone with their hand, with their thumbtucked in behind their fingers like this, this is a indicator of something going oninside, the some represents a willpower.When the willpower is being covered up like this, it can be an indicator with the personsfeeling insecure, there may be afraid of what is happening next.So, what I like to do is; I like to just be gentle and soft and hopefully they will feelbetter about themselves.A particular gesture which has become relatively common, nowadays, is known as a fist bump.It is very close to a handshake or the high five gesture.It was popularized in the 2008 presidential campaign by Barack Obama, when he nonchalantlyfist bumped his wife Michelle and then it was taken up by the media and the Huffingtonpost had exclaimed that Obama’s fist bump rocks the nation as a headline.So, you would find that the fist bump indicates a sense of equality, because in this unlikethe handshake neither bumper has the upper hand and therefore, it has gained popularityamong friends to greet each other.After Barack Obama had popularized this fist bump media had started to trace it’s originsand he felt that it had originated from the high five of the sports world.They had also noted that the Baltimore bullets guard Fred carter in the 1970’s was perhapsan early bumper.This media clip shows certain examples of fist bumps and it is a brief view of the handmovements of former President Barack Obama.Another common finger movement, which we come across in our professional settings, is thepointer, the finger pointing at certain directions.Initially, we find that the origin of this particular finger movement is innocuous, asif somebody is pointing at certain things in a distance.However, in the sittings of professional communication, it is considered impolite to point at a person.It means that we are accusing the other person by pointing the finger at him or her.Sometimes we feel that people who have been deeply upset or feel excessive anger oftenpoint towards others to indicate how badly they have been hurt or insulted; however,normally it should be avoided.In some cases we find that it is also associated with a sense of authority, when a person holdinga superior position can indicate other people with a finger, without associating the fingerpointer with any sense of insult.However, particularly among colleagues, it is seen as a way of talking down, a deliberateinsult.It is considered to be confrontational and highly offensive.So, finger pointing should be avoided; however, if because of certain constraints we haveto point at certain other person, it would be still appropriate to point at a personusing your complete hand, instead of pointing a person using a particular finger.On the other hand, using your finger as a pointer in the air, as if you are writingsomething in the air, indicates a sense of confidence and authority.We often find social leaders, political leaders and religious preachers using this particularmovement in a very effective manner.In public speech situation, we also come across the palm-closed-finger-pointed gesture.We would find that when the palm has been closed and the fingers are pointing, but thefist is also there.It is normally like a symbolic club, which the speaker is using to figuratively beatthe listeners.People towards whom it is aimed at, feel rather fidgety and annoyed, because they feel thatthey have been deliberately put in a subordinate position and people are taking advantage ofit.Another variation is known as the finger jab, which is displayed by a stabbing forward motion,which is often pretty fierce.The feeling which the person receives is the feeling of the personal attack and one feelsthreatened by it.However, if somebody has to use it deliberately as a part of one’s speech, as a part ofones presentation to highlight a particular idea for example, then it would be more appropriateto use several fingers together and bending them instead of putting it in a direct jabposition.Another aspect of finger is related with the impatient or nervous drumming with the helpof our fingers.Our nerve endings are densely concentrated in our fingertips, and our fingertips haveevolved as tactile antennae with which we explore the material world.And therefore, whenever we feel anxious or upset, these fingertips always are simulatedand we use them either to touch a surface, to get certain assurance, to caress ourselves,to console ourselves, to while away the time in a very unconscious manner.So, drumming or tapping the fingers can indicate our frustration, our boredom and anxiety.None of these associations happens to be a positive one.At the same time you would find that, if our fingers are kept busy, we are able to betterconcentrate on what we have to decide.On the other hand, we find that salespeople have started to use it as a strategy.The moment you come across a salesperson, you would find that they want to occupy yourfingers.The fingers are never empty for a very long time, if you are talking to a good salesperson,they would pass on petty objects in your hands so that you can occupy your hands and focuson what they are saying.Dropping of fingers is always a negative gesture and therefore, it should be avoided in allof our professional settings.Similarly, we find that when we bring our hand or our finger across our face, etcetera,it is always an indication of a negativity, of our desire to create a barrier betweenus and other people an attempt to seek some more time, an attempt to avoid a particularsituation.Here, I would like to refer to a research by Desmond Morris, who was the first to discoverthat lies caused a tingling sensation in the delicate neck and faced issues and often wehave an urge to rub or to scratch them so that we can satisfy this itching and therefore,we find that whenever people are uncertain about what they have to say, they scratchtheir neck.If they are wearing a shirt, you would find that some type, some variation of a collarpull would be there, some scratching of the neck, etcetera would also be there.Sometimes, it can be associated with other body linguistic gestures, particularly theabsence of eye contact or averted eyes, etcetera.If you feel that somebody is talking to you and at the same time using any variation ofwhat is known as the collar pull, it would be a good strategy to ask the person to repeat,whatever he or she has said or to clarify the point.This would cause the speaker to repeat the same idea and perhaps it would bring certainclarity in the dialogue.While delivering a lecture or during any other formal situation, this type of a gesture diminishesthe positivity of the speakers image.Similarly, we find that the neck is scratch is another variation of this defensive gestures.It also signals certain uncertainty and we can almost hear a person saying oh, I am notsure whether I agree with it.Sometimes we find that verbally a person may contradict it, a person may say oh, I understandvery well your situation, using the neck scratch, but then we can easily understand that theperson is not truthful in this statement.Sometimes our finger movements can be very revealing.For example, fingers in mouth is an unconscious attempt by the person, who is finding himselfunder tremendous pressure to revert to the security of a childhood.Even though, most hand to mouth gestures indicate some type of a deception, some type of a lying,some type of a desire, to buy time or to avoid the situation, but this finger in mouth gestureis an open cry for reassurance.In this dialogue the best strategy to remain cool and assuring towards the other person.Similarly, we find that there are certain gestures, which are considered to be offensiveeither universally or in some particular countries only.For example the first sign is considered to be the sign of the devil in certain segmentsof the societies.The second gesture if used in Italy is considered to be offensive and as some researchers suggest,it can be a jailable offense also.The third gesture which is beginning at someone, which is considered to be an innocent andinnocuous gesture, in most of the cultures is considered to be highly offensive, in Philippines,this is a gesture which is reserved for dogs in the society.At the same time we find that there are certain other common variations of finger movements.Crossed fingers indicate hope, because somehow they form a rough image of the crucifix.If someone inspects the fingernails, it suggests negativity and then we can understand, itas a boredom or disinterest or lack of confidence, etcetera.Fluttering and drumming fingers indicate uncertainty.Fidgeting fingers also indicate boredom and tension and these gestures should be avoidedparticularly in a workplace in a formal setting.In the ensuing video we look further at certain illustrations and associations of commonlyfound finger gestures.This hand gesture is commonly known as the hand sign, for when something is good, butin reality it has been popularized, because of it is more sinister understanding in esotericcircles.What is esoteric?Well, esoteric is most basic and common knowledge.The basic information that is accessible to anyone.Is a esoteric knowledge on the other hand; is no widely known and it is mostly a hiddenunderstanding.Is exoteric symbolisms and signs is what the elite use.It helps them to give messages to each other and letting people know their affiliations.If we can understand the symbolisms and what they really mean we can better understandtheir satanic agenda.For instance this hand sign is a satanic sign meaning 666 to show others and allegiancewith sign.This symbol here is mostly white known as the peace sign, but sometimes people say itmeans V for victory; also it does connect to signism.The meaning for the Hebrew letter for V is nail.Now, nail is one of the secret titles of sign within the brotherhood of signism.Sign is letting us know, this is one of his favorite signs.Much like this symbol here is widely known as the peace sign, but does not really meanpeace, because if you look at this part here, it is really an upside down broken cross whichkind of looks like a crow’s foot.It is the symbolism of the, have you ever wondered, why it is rude to point at somebody?Maybe it is, because in ancient days, this forefinger was regarded as venomous and evenin present times it is rude to point especially, with this finger.Pointing the finger away from the body is known in occult circles as the sign of faith,while pointing upwards is the sign of persuasion.The middle finger salute, everybody knows that pointing this finger at somebody is reallyrude.In brief, we can say that different types of gestures, which we use to cover over mouthor face normally, indicate either negativity or defense.The mouth cover is one of them which can be done using a single finger or several fingers;similarly, nose touch, which we can use either with the help of several quick rubs or maybeone quick almost imperceptible rub.These indicate a desire to avoid it may be associated with a lie, it may be associatedwith anger, it may be associated with feeling shame faced in a situation, but definitely,they do not communicate a positivity.In fact, nose touch is often associated with what is commonly known as the Pinocchio effect.Scientists have found out that when a person lies, certain chemicals are released and theycause the tissues inside the nose to swell and therefore, when a person is lying or whena person is feeling tremendous stress, there is an inner urge to rub the nose.Similarly, we find that hand to face gestures are associated with evaluation.Evaluation is showed by a closed hand, resting on the chin or cheek often with the indexfinger pointing upwards.Similarly, when the person begins to lose interest, but still wants to come across asfeeling interested, then the position would alter and the person would start feeling somesupport on the heel of the palm.Middle managers often use this gesture or it’s variations to come across as peoplewho are actually interested in listening to a day-to-day talk of several employees.Similarly, we find if the hands have moved across the mouth, head is tilted backwards,then it becomes a nonverbal sign of verbal deceit untruth or lying or deception.The hand to face gestures also suggests, whether a person is feeling bored in a given situationor is genuinely interested in the situation.When the person feels bored, then the person uses the hand to support the head and it signalsthat the boredom has set in and the head is being supported so that the person does notfall down asleep.On the other hand, we find that the genuine interest is shown by a closed hand restingon the cheek normally, with the index finger pointing upwards, but the head is not exactlyresting on the support of the hand.We have talked about several variations of the defensive touches, in which our hand andfinger moves across our face.The ear rub is also a variation of it.The ear rub is an attempt to avoid the words of the speaker.This is a sophisticated adult version of the hands over both ears gesture, used by thosechildren who are being represented by some adult rubbing the back of the ear, pullingat the earlobe or bending the entire ear forward, suggest the person does not want to listento what is being said and at the same time is looking for certain excuses, which canbe passed on.The eye rub is also an attempt to block out the deceit or doubt.Vigorously rubbing the eyes or looking away or looking at the ceiling to avoid the listenersgaze is also adopted by those people who are trying to put across a lie.So, we see that in all these clusters of hand and finger movements across our face, thesuggestion of negativity barriers and defense is related.In order to find out the exact meaning we have to rely on certain other messages byverbal as well as non-verbal communication.This is an interesting video, which tells us about the possible interpretations of theeye rub.younger did you ever cover your eyes, when you saw something that you did not like orthat what is disgusting or gross or scary, who knows, but you covered your eyes.Well, as it turns out that responds that ingrained response to cover and shield your eyes fromsomething that you do not like sticks with you all the way through to adulthood and itcomes out and something known as the eye rub.So, it is a little bit more diluted than the full out covering of your eyes.Now, when somebody is lying to you, their natural response is to cover their eyes tosomething that they do not like.So, say they are lying to a person, they do not want to look at that person as they arelying to them, because it feels bad and it feels gross and it feels wrong.So, they do something known as the eye rub.This comes across and guys a little bit more prominently than in girls.So, guys we will, we will do a full on eye rub whereas, girls might do something to wherethey lightly touched underneath their eye or something like that.Now, this could be for different reasons, either one it is been oddly ingrained in theculture that ladies are supposed to react a lot more subdued to stuff or it could besomething just.So, logical as they do not want to smudge their makeup, there is something along thelines of that, but the eye rub is yet another sign of deceit that you can look out for.Now, once again make sure you keep in mind that you are supposed to observing.I would conclude my discussion of hands and fingers here.In the next module, I would take up the movement of the feet and sitting postures.Thank you.